Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/523

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[79 STAT. 483]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 483]

79 STAT.]

PUBLIC LAW 89-117-AUGUST 10, 1965


wise available on reasonable terms, and (B) unless the Administration determines that there exists a reasonable expectation that the small business concern in behalf of which the guarantee is issued will perform the covenants and conditions of the lease. "(2) The Administration shall, to the greatest extent practicable, exercise the powers conferred by this section in cooperation with qualified surety or other companies on a participation basis. " (b) The Administration shall fix a uniform annual fee for its share of any guarantee under this section which shall be payable in advance at such time as may be prescribed by the Administrator. The amount of any such fee shall be determined in accordance with sound actuarial practices and procedures, to the extent practicable, but in no case shall such amount exceed, on the Administration's share of any guarantee made under this title, 2i/^ per centum per annum of the minimum annual guaranteed rental payable under any guaranteed lease: Provided, That the Administration shall fix the lowest fee that experience under the program established hereby has shown to be justified. The Administration may also fix such uniform fees for the processing of applications for guarantees under this section as the Administrator determines are reasonable and necessary to pay the administrative expenses that are incurred in connection therewith. "(c) I n connection with the guarantee of rentals under any lease pursuant to authority conferred by this section, the Administrator may require, in order to minimize the financial risk assumed under such guarantee— "(1) that the lessee pay an amount, not to exceed one-fourth of the minimum guaranteed annual rental required under the lease, which shall be held in escrow and shall be available (A) to meet rental charges accruing in any month for which the lessee is in default, or (B) if no default occurs during the term of the lease, for application (with accrued interest) toward final payments of rental charges under the lease; "(2) that upon occurrence of a default under the lease, the lessor shall, as a condition precedent to enforcing any claim under the lease guarantee, utilize the entire period, for which there are funds available in escrow for payment of rentals, in reasonably diligent efforts to eliminate or minimize losses, by releasing the commercial or industrial property covered by the lease to another qualified tenant, and no claim shall be made or paid under the guarantee until such effort has been made and such escrow funds have been exhausted; "(3) that any guarantor of the lease will become a successor of the lessor for the purpose of collecting from a lessee in default rentals which are in arrears and with respect to which the lessor has received payment under a guarantee made pursuant to this section; and "(4) such other provisions, not inconsistent with the purposes of this title, as the Administrator may in his discretion require. u POWERS

"SEC. 402. Without limiting the authority conferred upon the Administrator and the Administration by section 201 of this Act, the Administrator and the Administration shall have, in the performance of and with respect to the functions, powers, and duties conferred by this title, all the authority and be subject to the same conditions prescribed in section 5(b) of the Small Business Act with respect to loans, ineluding the authority to execute subleases, assignments of lease and

15 USC' 57?;

J5 USC 63^^.'