Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/708

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[79 STAT. 668]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 668]


PUBLIC LAW 89-174-SEPT. 9, 1965

[79 STAT.

for assisting communities in developing solutions to community and metropolitan development problems and for encouraging effective regional cooperation in the planning and conduct of community and metropolitan development programs and projects; encourage comprehensive planning by the State aud local governments with a view to coordinating Federal, State, and local urban and community development activities; encourage private enterprise to serve as large a part of the Nation's total housing and urban development needs as it can and develop the fullest cooperation with private enterprise in achieving the objectives of the Department; and conduct continuing comprehensive studies, and make available findings, with respect to the problems of housing and urban development. (c) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to deny or limit the benefits of any program, function, or actiA'ity assigned to the Department by this or any other Act to any community on the basis of its population or corporate status, except as may be expressly provided by law. UXDER SECRETARY AND OTHER OFFICERS AND OFFH ES Under Secretary. Assistant Secretaries. Appointment.

Federal Housing Commissioner.

Assistant Secretary for Administration.

Director of Urban Program Coordination.

SEC. 4. (a) There shall be in the Department an Tender Secretary, four Assistant Secretaries, and a General Counsel, who shall be appointed by the President by and with the ad\'ice and consent of the Senate, who shall receive compensation at the rate now or hereafter provided by law for under secretaries, assistant secretaries, and general counsels, respectively, of executive departments, and who shall perform such functions, powers, and duties as the Secretary shall prescribe from time to time. There shall be in the Department a Federal Housing Commissioner, who shall be one of the Assistant Secretaries, who shall head a Federal Housing Administration within the Department, who shall have such duties and powers as may be prescribed by the Secretary, and who shall administer, under the supervision and direction of the Secretary, departmental programs relating to the private mortgage market. (b) There shall be in the Department an Assistant Secretary for Administration, who shall be appointed, with the approval of the President, by the Secretary under the classified civil service, who shall perform such functions, powers, and duties as the Secretary shall pi^scribe from time to time, and whose annual rate of compensation shall be the same as that now or hereafter provided by or pursuant to law for assistant secretaries for administration of executive departments. (c) There shall be in the Department a Director of Urban Program Coordination, who shall be designated by the Secretary. He shall assist the Secretary in carrying out his responsibilities to the President with respect to achieving maximum coordination of the programs of the various departments and agencies of the Government which have a major impact on community development. In providing such assistance, the Director shall make such studies of urban and community problems as the Secretary shall request, and shall develop recommendations relating to the administration of Federal programs affecting such problems, particularly with respect to achieving effective cooperation among the J'ederal. State, and local agencies concerned. Subject to the direction of the Secretary, the Director shall, in carrying out his responsibilities, (1) establish and maintain close liaison with the Federal departments and agencies concerned, and (2) consult with State, local, and regional officials, and consider their recommendations with respect to such jjrograms.