Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/770

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[79 STAT. 730]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 730]


PUBLIC LAW 89-183-SEPT. 14, 1965

[79 STAT.

§ 20-1904. Partial distribution When a person applies to the Probate Court by petition, and satisfies the court that he is in want of subsistence or greatly straitened in circumstances, and that it probably will not require more than one-half of the assets to discharge the debts, the court may direct the executor or administrator to deliver to the petitioner any part of what the court believes will be his distributive share, or any part of a legacy or bequest in money not exceeding one-third part, the petitioner giving bond, with security approved by the court, to the executor or administrator for returning the part so delivered, or an equivalent, with interest, when so directed by the court. The court may determine in a summary way on the petition, after summons against the executor or administrator duly returned "summoned" or "non est". § 20-1905. Distribution of specific bequests The court, in like manner as provided by section 20-1904, on a petition by a person in circumstances as described in that section, to whom a specific legacy or bequest has been made, being satisfied that the assets, exclusive of all specific legacies, will not be nearly exhausted by debts, may direct the executor or administrator with the will annexed to deliver to the petitioner the specific legacy or bequest on his giving bond as provided by section 20-1904. § 20-1906. Bequest to female When a bequest of personal property or money is made to a female and directed by the will to be paid on her attaining to full, mature, or to a lawful age, the female is entitled to receive and demand the personal property or money on arriving at the age of 18 years or on being married. § 20-1907. Meeting of legatees or next of kin An administrator may appoint a meeting of persons entitled to distributive shares or legacies or a residue, on a day approved by the court, and payment or distribution may be made at the meeting under the court's direction and control. CHAPTER 21—ADMINISTRATION OF SMALL ESTATES Sec.

20-2101. 20-2102. 20-2103. 20-2104. 20-2105. 20-2106. 20-2107. 20-2108.

Petition for distribution of small estate; order. Waiver of administration; notice to creditors; final order. Exemptions from liability. Waiver of bond and commissions. Forms to be furnished; fees. Discovery of additional property. Penalties for false affldavits and other violations. Application of chapter.

§20-2101. Petition for distribution of small estate; order (a) When a person dies, leaving a small estate consisting only of personal property of a value not in excess of $500, the surviving spouse or minor children entitled to the family allowance authorized by section 19-101 may file in the Probate Court a petition, under oath, declaring: (1 ^ the time and place of decedent's death; (2) the known next of kin; (3) the known assets and by whom they are held; (4) that the petitioner has made a diligent search to discover all assets of the deceased; (5) the amount of the funeral expenses and to whom they are due; and (6) that the assets do not exceed $500 in value.