Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/781

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[79 STAT. 741]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 741]

79 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 89-183-SEPT. 14, 1965

prays the court to be relieved, the court, after summoning the guardian to answer the petition, may require him to give counter security to indemnify his original surety or to deliver his ward's estate into the hands of the surety or of another person. In either case, the court shall require sufficient security for the proper management and application of the estate to be given by the person into whose hands the estate is delivered, and make such other order as seems just. § 21-119. Allowances made before bond given An allowance made to a guardian for the clothing, support, maintenance, education or other expenses incurred for the ward or his estate, before the guardian gives bond or is appointed, has the same effect in law as if made subsequently to the appointment of the guardian and his giving bond. § 21-120. Settlement of actions involving minor children; appointment of guardian of estate (a) A person entitled to maintain or defend an action on behalf of a minor child, including an action relating to real estate, is competent to settle an action so brought and, upon settlement thereof or upon satisfaction of a judgment obtained therein, is competent to give a full acquittance and release of all liability in connection with the action, but such a settlement is not valid unless approved by a judge of the court in which the action is pending. (b) A person may not receive money or other property on behalf of a minor in settlement of an action brought on behalf of or against the minor or in satisfaction of a judgment in the action, where, after deduction of fees, costs and all other expenses incident to the matter, the net value of the money and property due the minor exceeds $3,000, before he is appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction as guardian of the estate of the minor to receive the money or property, and qualifies as such. Subchapter II—Property of Infants § 21-141. Possession of property On the execution of his bond, a guardian is entitled to an order of the court directing the real and personal estate of the ward to be delivered into his possession, and all legacies and distributive shares to which the ward is entitled to be paid or delivered to him when they are properly payable or distributable according to law. §21-142. Inventory Within three months after the execution and approval of his bond, a guardian shall return to the court, under oath, an inventory of the real and personal estate of his ward and of the probable annual income thereof, and the court may direct the estate to be appraised and the annual income thereof to be ascertained by two competent persons, to be appointed by the court, who shall report their appraisement and finding under oath. §21-143. Duties; accounts; maintenance and education; sales; compensation A guardian shall manage the estate for the best interests of the ward, and once in each year, or oftener if required, he shall settle an account of his trust under oath. He shall account for all profit and increase of his ward's estate and the annual value thereof, and shall be allowed credit for taxes, repairs, improvements, expenses, and commissions, and he is not answerable for any loss or decrease sustained without his fault. The court shall determine the amounts to be expended annually in the maintenance and education of the infant, re-