Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/378

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CONVENTION OF FRIENDSHIP, COMMERCE, AND NAVIGATION, me. zo, tm Between the United States ty' America, and the Free Hannaimeitgms seatic Republics of Lubeck, Bremen, and Hamburg. (ez) i'i?lL“3Fista. _ _ . Proclamation Tm: United States of America, on the one part, and the Republic 3; §l;\<;}g°§d°'“ and Free Hanseatic City of Lubeck, the Republic and Free Hanseatic Jun, 2, {ggé City of Bremen, and the Republic and Free Hanseatic City of Ijlam- Objeet of said burg, (each state for itself separately,) on the other part, being desirous ¤’¤¤*Y· to give greater facility to their commercial intercourse, and to place the privileges of their navigation on a basis of the most extended liberality, have resolved to fix, in a manner clear, distinct, and positive, the rules véhich shall be observed between the one a? the other, by means of a onvention of Friendshi , Commerce, and avi ation. Ncgotintors. For the attainment of liehis most desirable objegt, the President of the United States of America has conferred full powers on Henry Clay, their Secretary of State; and the Senate of the Republic and Free Hanseatic City of Lubeck, the Senate of the Republic and Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, and the Senate of the Republic and Free Hanseatic City of Hamburg, have conferred full powers on Vincent Rumpfli their Minister Plenipotentiary near the United States of America, who, after having exchanged their said full powers, found in due and proper form, have agreed to the following articles: ARTICLE I. Imports. The contracting parties agree, that whatever kind of produce, manufacture, or merchandise of any foreign country can be, from time to time, lawfully imported into the United States in their own vessels, may he also imported in vessels of the said Free Hanseatic Republics of Lubec, Bremen, and Hamburg, and that no higher or other duties upon the tonnage or cargo of the vessel, shall be levied or collected, whether the importation be made in vessels of the United States, or of either of the said Hanseatic Republics. And, in like manner, that whatever kind of produce, manufacture, or merchandise of any foreign country, can be, from time to time, lawfully imported into either of the said Hanseatic Republics, in its own vessels, may be also imported in vessels of the United States; and that no higher or other duties upon the tonnage or cargo of (pho vessel, shall be levied or collected, whether the importation e ma e in vessels of the one nart or of the other. And they further agree, that whatever may bd laiiifully exported, or rc-exported, by one party in its own vessels, to any foreign country, may, in like manner, be exported, or re-exported in the vessels of the other party. Anti the same bounties, duties, and drawbacks shall be allowed and collected, whether such exportation or re-exportation be made in vessels of the one party, or of the other. Nor shall higher, or other charges of any kind, be imposed in the ports of the one party, on vessels of the other, than are, or shall bc, payable in the same ports by national vossc s. (a) Additional articles to the convention, agreed upon June 4, 1828, post 386. I I--___ team