Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/398

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386 CONVENTION WITH THE HANSEATIC REPUBLICS. 1828. published by his Majesty the King of Prussia to prevent the emigration of his subjects. ARTICLE XV. Period durin The resent treat shall continue in force for twelve years, countin . . 8 P Y . . . 3 WWI! ****8 ¤’9¤- from the day of the exchange of the ratxfications ; and 1f twelve months {X }—:,gf°m“'“ before the expiration of that period, neither of the high contracting pa;. ties shall have announced, by an official ratification to the other, its intention to arrest the operation of said treaty, it shall remain binding for one year beyond that time, and so on, until the expiration of the twelve months which will. follow a similar notification, whatever the time at `which it may take place. ARTICLE XVI. Periodforrmi- This treaty shall be approved and ratified by the President of the li°¤¤°¤· United States of America, by, and with, the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by his Majesty the King of Prussia, and the ratifica— tions shall be exchanged in the City of Washington, within nine months from the date of the signature hereof; or sooner, if possible. In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the above articles, both in the French and English languages; and they have thereto affixed their seals declaring, nevertheless, that the signing in both languages shall not be brought into precedent, nor in any way operate to the prejudice of either party. Done in triplicate at the City of Washington, on the first day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty— eight; and the fifty-second of the Independence of the United States of America. H. CLAY, 1.. s. LUDWIG NIEDERSTETTER, 1.. sg ADDITIONAL ARTICLE June 4, une. To the Convention cfu/friendshzja, commerce, and mwzgo- R,,,,,,,,,,,,,, tron, concluded at ashzngton, on the twentieth day q" jtfjqyscgzg December, 1827, oetryeen the United States of America Fmcgmatéoh and the Hanseatzc Republzcs of Lubeck, Bremen, and I l' §ni.i4¤?§1.,°“‘ Hamburg- (G) .1 ,1829. , _ bnbjcctqf uddi. Tnn United States of America and the Hanseatic Republics of “°¤¤l ¤*¤°l<=· Lubeck, Bremen, and Hamburg, wishing to favour their mutual commerce by affording, in their ports, every necessary assistance to their respective vessels, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have further agreed upon the following additional article to the Convention of friendship, commerce, and navigation, concluded at Wasliirigton on the twentieth day of December, 1827, between the contracting parties. Gump1g_ gw_ The Ccnsuls and Vico·Consuls may cause to be arrested the sailors, ¤¤*h<>*餤d l0 being part of the crews of the vessels of their respective countries, who 2f" °“°"°"# shall have deserted from the said vessels, in order to send them hack and transport them out of the country. For which purpose, the said fa) See the treaty of December 20, 1827, ante, p. 366. Wi;-' i__.I