Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/638

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626 INDEX. EMG!. France. Art. 14. Citizen >··· pted li·om personal ser- up, the ship may pursue her voyage. If vice in places of settlement, - - 114 there is no passport, and other proofof the Art. 15. If either party grunt. greater consular neutrality of the vesscl, then no condemprivileges to another notion, they shall be nation. If the master of u ve sel dies, the common to both, -··. 114 ship and cargo shall be secure, - 186 Art. 16. This convention shall be in force Art. 18. Ships of either nation, if examined during twelve years, . . . 114 at (sea., to Iz: sent,_und ship; of war _ ers, remai Cmsvemion between the French Republu: :,1:0,,P mf _ _ fi 0n_ 0 ianilgg and W Umud Sm"- s°Pt°ml’°' 30• Art. 19. Ships under convoy not to be ex. 1800s • · °' 178 amined, ·-·--- 188 Article]. Firm, inviolahleand universal peace Art. 20. Receipts to be given for the papers between the French Republic und United of captured vessels. Sale of captured ves. States of America, -··· 178 eels notto be made without lawful condem- Art. 2. Treaty of 6th of February, 1788, and nation, - — -... 188 convention of the 14th November, 1788, Art. 21. Muster, commander, or supercargo, abrogated, . . - . . 178 not to be removed. Treatment of crew and Art. 3. Captured public ships to be re- passengers, - 188 stored, - - - - - - 178 Art. 22. Prizes to be condemned by esta- Art. 4. Captured property, if not definitively blished rize-courts, . . . 190 condemned, to be restored. Form of the Art. 23. lgamages by men.0fZwar or privs. passport to merchant ships. Proof of teers, to be paid. Commanders of priva. captured vessels restored. Proof with teers to give security, . - . 190 respect to cargo. This article to take effect Art. 24. Armed vessels and prizes not to pay from the signature of this convention, 178 duty, and not to be examined, · · 190 Art. 5. Debts due lay individuals of either Art. 25. Restrictions on foreign privanotion may be pni , Sec., - - 180 teers, - . 190 Art. 6. Commerce between the parties to be Art. 26. Pirates to be prohibited entering iioe, -·---- 180 the ports of either notion. The ships and Art. 7. The citizens of either country to be goods taken by pirates to be seized, 192 at liberty to devise their property, and to Art. 27. The fisheries of either party not to have tho right to take, to give, or devise, be interfcredwith. Ratifications exchanged without naturalization, · - - 182 within six months, ..-. 192 Art. 8. In case of war between tho two nu- Second article of the treaty expungcd. This tions, aix months to be allowed to remove convention to be in force for ten years, 192 propow, · — - - - 182 Ratincotion by the first consul of France, Art. 9. o debts to be sequestered or coniis. declaring the convention to be in force for A oagzdggcnso of: Yflll', ts- I; · _ 183 eight years, ·--·- 194 rt. . mmercia agen ms eappomte . _ _ Agents to act after being lixrnished with nm? b°*'°°”' lh'! Umwd *$¢“l“$ V 4mm6a cxaquuur, _____ 182 an the French Republic. April 30th, Art. 11. No more duties to be paid than the 1803- ······ 200 duties paid by the most avoured na. Article 1. Recital of the French treaty with tion, -----· 182 Spain, of October 1, 1800. Retrocossion Art. 12. Citizens ol'Franeo and of the United from Spain to France of the province of States to be at liberty to trade from enc- Louisiana. Cession of Louisiana to the mics' ports to the ports of either country, United States, ----. 200 union blockaded. Notice of blockade to Art. 2. Islands, &,c., included in the ccssion by be given before capture of vessels, and the preceding article, - - · 202 vessels to be permitted to go to other Art.3. Inhabitants of the ceded territory in. ports, . . . . . ~ 184 corporated with the Union of the United Art. 19. Contraboncl. Vessels luden with States upon certain principles, . 202 contraband goods, and tho residue of the Art. 4. Commissary to be sent from France cargo, not to be affected by the prohibited to receive tho province of Louisiana, and goods, ------ 184 pass it over to the United States, . 202 Arh 14. Free ships make free goods; not Art. 5. When the commissaries of the United contraband, although belonging to an one- States shall have possession, . . 202 my. Persons not military to be protected Art. 6. United State to execute certain Inin frue ships, ··--- 184 dian treaties agreed upon between Spain Art. 15. Coniiscation of free goods laden on and the Indians, -·-. 202 board of an enemy's vessel alter war is Art. 7. Vessels of France and Spain loden declared, ----- 186 with the productions of their respective Art. 16. Passports to be exhibited, and also countries, entitled to the same privileges certificates of the quality of goods, · 186 with vessels of the United States, during Art. 17. In time of war, the ships of o neu- the space of twelve years. No other vestml nation to be furnished with passports sels entitled to the emo privilege during mentioned in the fourth article. If com the said period, 204 traband goods found on board are delivered Art. 8. After the expiration of twelve years