Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/699

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GENERAL INDEX. 43 Creamer, George, gud ut/mrs, furiéiturc to be Crimes and Ojfznces, (continued.)

 ;-egugtlcd tu, vn. 693. nqpgison to be gxeld to answer except on

ree; n mus nn mt L, i. 1. treaty wigh, August 7, 17QO, vii 35. triul of] tnoellic by jury, i. 21. Scully Wg;:, guile $22, convggcn not to work corruption cfblcod, eu y wi une .‘ vu. . i. . ccggentioniwitlx, Ndvemblcr 14, 1805, vii. disscctioréof bcggos of criminals, i. 113. . m arsenu , ii.. nrfles og gg1i?{1gcnt agiggapitulution with, Crittenden, Sevier, and Searcy, land patent to uguq , vu. . issue to vi. 498. treaty with, Janudry 22, l818, Xi:. 121. Crittentzm, étcplwn, to be paid for land, vi. 628 trepty with, January 8, 1S?], vu. 2L). Cracker, Jondthem, pension re tored bo, vi. 459. articles of agreement with, January 8, Crochet, Damcl H., pension to, vi. 737.

1821, vu. 217.     ,..__.-, Joseph, surcties 0lQ released, vi. 350.

disclmrge of all cilngms on, vu. 217. Croghan, Colonel George, resolution presenting convention wit , e ruary12 1825 vii.237. gold medal to, iv. 792· v. 2*. treat? with; J nnua{y 24{ Bali, vii.’286. Craghawélle, public land; in, 696; v. 724, supp amen ary artxc e 0 1. c treaty wit vi. . of Jgguary 24, 1826, March 31, 1826; Craglzmsvillc, lots in, vested in commissioners vii. . 0 wood &c., vi. 276. articles of agreement with, November 15, Oromlzio, Javius, pension allowed tc, vi. 23. 1827 vii. 307. Crank, alias Cronkite Lois, pension to vi. 911. treaty ivith, Murch 24, IQ32, vii. Crook, Peter, to be psiid for horses, vi. @52. articles of agreement with, February 14, Croc/cshanks, John, pension tc, vi. 91. 1833, yi; Q7. C·r0sgghDr. Eliakim,1:md patent to issue to, vi. treaty wut ovem er , vu. . . to be paid {lor gropertqdestroyqdé 191. Johan, anél Johizhéfr., claim cf} to be setappropriation or supp nes to vi. . the an pai , vi. . lands ceded lay treaty ofAu,gii1st 9, 1814, to -—--, Nathan, pension to, vi. 190. be surveys und so d, iii. 229. -———-—, Simon, pension tc, vi. 25. location of lands reserved, iii. 380. i-—— —, increase of pension to, vi. 93. pugghnse of those lands, iii. 484, 750; iv. Cross, gngmas, allowed to enter certain lands, . v. a. act to curry into efcct the treaty of Janu· Crouch, Dr. Hazel WC, allowance to adminisary 8 1821 with iv. 721. tratcr of vi. 763. act to (larry iiato cilbct the treaty of April ————, Richizrd, increase of pension to, vi. 93. 22, 1826, with, iv. 191. Crow, Albion T., allowance to, for stable burnt, sales of reserves in certain cases, v. 186, vi. 704. 256. Crowell, Silvanus, allowance to, vi. 33. act to aid removal of iv. 187. —- —- Thomas pension to vi. 24. Creesy, Josiah P., and others, fishing bounty al- Crow Inzlians, 7 1

  1¢;wcd t;, vi. §>36.   trqat)LpLABgugt 4Q 1§$5Hw&th,    

rezgiton, amua , E a t to . 18,. roumms tc , xmgamm ., os cer x ca s ...---- Jeremiah P ymm ’ v1' °' be renewed tc, vi. 142. Cnmeem-,7Mases, peiision to, vi. 543. Crugeir, Henryél, and another, to be paid for n Crass George pension to vi. 91. s avc vi. 0. Cresy: Manuel, pension t0,, vi. 578. Crum, Talzias, authorized to exchange land, vi. Criars of Courts, appointment and pay of] i. 680. 626. Crummet, James, increase of pension to, vi. Crimes and Ofencm. 114. See particular hands. Cruqzpgrscy, Jalm, increase of pension to, vi. General Acts unishinzr i. 11iv. 5 . 115, 775. P cl ’ Crutc, John, pension to, vi. 82. trials of; in what court, i. 113. —-——-———, claim ofQ to be settled, vn. 276 capital trials provided for, i. 118. CTUZGl, AHt}L;£, clanm of} to be settled and 'nd' t wuts f i. 21 116. pai vi. `. itaiddizg mutgjli. 119,; iv. 118, 777. ——-—, Jintyine, donation nf land to, vi. 584. limitations of prosecutions for, i. 119. Cruzéztte, Pwr, land warrant to be issued to, vi. unishment of death how inflicted i. 119. 5. gunishment to hard llabor in statelprison, Cwggier, Simon, pension t0, vi. 364. iv. 118 739 777. Cu a, convicts ivherla to be sent and how treated, rcgnission oithe pgnultxgr bringing slaves "v. 118 739 777· v. 385. i·0m nut orize ,ii. o . who maylarreét and hold to bail for, i. 91. tonnagie duties on vessels from, iv. :741. what builablc, i. 91. Culbertson, John, to be paid for services, iv. 492 , in D' trict of Columbia. See Diszrictqf vi. 467. Coirsimbia, p. 51. Cullins, John, pension tc, vi. 612. whipping abolished, v. 322, 517. Cullumber, Joshua, allowance to, for a schoonusing or Ioaning public funds, v. 389, er, vi. 627. 439. Cultivation, of tropical plants. See Vine and remission of penalties of forfeited rcc0g· Olive, p. 174. nizzmccs, v. 322. Culver, Dan, increase of pension to, vi. 101 excessive punishments forbidden, i. 21. ——-—-, Daniel, pension allowed to, vi. 3.