Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 80 Part 1.djvu/1076

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[80 STAT. 1040]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1966
[80 STAT. 1040]


PUBLIC LAW 89-695-OCT. 16, 1966

[80 STAT.

of the institution or the interests of its insured members or of the Corporation, by written notice to such effect served upon such director, officer, or other person, suspend him from office and/or prohibit him from further participation in any manner in the conduct of the affairs of the institution. Such suspension and/or prohibition shall becorne effective upon service of such notice and, unless stayed by a court in proceedings authorized by paragraph (5) of this subsection, shall remain in effect pending the completion of the administrative proceedings pursuant to the notice served under paragraph (1) or (2) of this subsection and until such time as the Corporation shall dismiss the charges specified in such notice, or, if an order of removal and/or prohibition is issued against the director or officer or other person, until the effective date of any such order. Copies of any such notice shall also be served upon the institution of which he is a director or officer or in the conduct of whose affairs he has participated. "(4) A notice of intention to remove a director, officer, or other person from office and/or to prohibit his participation in the conduct of the affairs of an insured institution, shall contain a statement of the facts constituting grounds therefor, and shall fix a time and place at which a hearing will be held thereon. Such hearing shall be fixed for a date not earlier than thirty days nor later than sixty days after the date of service of such notice, unless an earlier or a later date is set by the Corporation at the request of (A) such director, officer, or other person and for good cause shown, or (B) the Attorney General of the United States. Unless such director, officer, or other person shall appear at the hearing in person or by a duly authorized representative, he shall be deemed to have consented to the issuance of an order of such removal and/or prohibition. In the event of such consent, or if upon the record made at any such hearing the Corporation shall find that any of the grounds specified in such notice has been established, the Corporation may issue such orders of suspension or removal from office, and/or prohibition from participation in the conduct of the affairs of the institution, as it may deem appropriate. Any such order shall become effective at the expiration of thirty days after service upon such institution and the director, officer, or other person concerned (except in the case of an order issued upon consent, which shall become effective at the time specified therein). Such order shall remain effective and enforceable except to such extent as it is stayed, modified, terminated, or set aside by action of the Corporation or a reviewing court. "(5) Within ten days after any director, officer, or other person has been suspended from office and/or prohibited from participation in the conduct of the affairs of an insured institution under paragraph (3) of this subsection, such director, officer, or other person may apply to the United States district court for the judicial district in which the principal office of the institution is located, or the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, for a stay of such suspension and/or prohibition pending the completion of the administrative proceedings pursuant to the notice served upon such director, officer, or other person under paragraph (1) or (2) of this subsection, and such court shall have jurisdiction to stay such suspension and/or prohibition. "(h)


Whenever any director or officer of an insured institution, or other person participating in the conduct of the affairs of such institution, is charged in any information, indictment, or complaint authorized by a United States Attorney, with the commission of or participation in a felony involving dishonesty or breach of trust, the Corporation may, by written notice served upon such director, officer, or other person.