Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 80 Part 1.djvu/1131

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[80 STAT. 1095]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1966
[80 STAT. 1095]

80 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 89-702-NOV. 2, 1966


the Secretary deems necessary, that the title conveyed is inalienable for a period of twenty years from the date of conveyance except upon approval of the Secretary. Any deed issued after twenty years from the date of conveyance shall not require approval of the Secretary. Any lot or tract conveyed by the trustee to said natives shall not, except as provided in the Act of March 29, 1956 (70 Stat. 62; 25 U.S.C. 483a), be subject to levy and sale in satisfaction of the debts, contracts, or liabilities of the purchaser or to any claims of adverse possession or to claims of prescription, except that such lot or tract shall be subject to taxation and to levy and sale in satisfaction thereof under the laws of the State of Alaska. (b) I n determining the amount to be paid for the purchase of lots or tracts under subsection (a) of this section, the Secretary shall consider the economic status of the natives of the Pribilof Islands, including the factor of isolation, the restrictive nature of the title to be conveyed, the improvements, if any, placed on the property by the purchaser and such other factors as he deems pertinent: Provided, That payment shall be made in accordance with such terms and conditions as the Secretary deems desirable. (c) The net proceeds from the sale, pursuant to this section, of ^j^llixl^intyVor improved or unirhproved lots or tracts shall be made available to the municipal services. established local governing body to be used with other proceeds available to such body for the purpose of providing adequate municipal services to persons inhabiting the islands. I n addition, at the close of the first fiscal year in which there is established a municipal corporation as provided in this section, the Secretary of the Interior shall certify to the Secretary of the Treasury for payment from the gross receipts of the Pribilof Islands fund, after deducting from such fund all costs to the United States in carrying out the provisions of this Act, the sum of $50,000 to such community to assist it in providing adequate municipal services, and, at the close of each succeeding four fiscal years, he shall pay from such fund the sums of $40,000, $30,000, $20,000, and $10,000, respectively. (d) Upon approval by the Secretary, the trustee shall convey, with un*;°"d'^^ands^ °^ or without reimbursement, any improved or unimproved land which was authorized to be sold under subsection (a), and which is unsold five years after incorporation, and which is not needed in connection with the Federal activities on said islands, to the municipality for the purposes of this section: Provided. That a conveyance pursuant to this subsection shall be subject to such terms and conditions as the Secretary deems necessary to enable him to administer the Pribilof Islands as provided in this title. (e) The trustee shall convey to the municipality at the time of incorporation all surveyed streets and alleys of the townsite. All deeds issued by the trustee shall contain a reservation to the trustee of rightsof-way for streets and alleys to be surveyed and established upon and across land conveyed to the natives of the Pribilof Islands whenever he determines that it would be in the interest of the native owner to establish such streets and alleys. Such reservation shall be for a term not to exceed ten years. In addition the Secretary may convey without reimbursement to the municipality such lands or interests therein outside the townsite boundaries for any purpose subject to such conditions as the Secretary deems desirable to carry out the purposes of this Act. (f) The provisions of this section shall not affect any valid existing rights. SEC. 207. Any person who violates or fails to comply with any regu- Penalties. lation issued by the Secretary of the Interior under this title relating