Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 80 Part 1.djvu/1460

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[80 STAT. 1424]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1966
[80 STAT. 1424]


Lower M i s s i s sippi. Availability of funds. 79 Stat. 1077.

E e l River, Calif., reimbursement for protective works.

Citation of title.

PUBLIC LAW 89-790-NOV. 7, 1966

[80 STAT.

Grande River, with respect to a framework plan for developing water resources of the region. Watersheds and streams of Hawaii, with respect to a framework plan for developing water resources of the region. Watersheds and streams of Alaska, with respect to a framework plan for developing water resources of the region. Great South Bay, New York, including the waters of adjoining lesser bays and inlets with respect to water utilization and control. Such investigations and study shall include, but not be limited to, navigation, fisheries, flood control, control of noxious weeds, water pollution, water quality control, beach erosion, and recreation. Cibolo Creek, in and near the community of Presidio, Texas. Pacific Palisades Area at and in the vicinity of Los Angeles County, California, study of landslides, soil erosion, surface and subsurface drainage conditions, flood control and seismic disturbances. Such study to be made in cooperation with the United States Geological Survey of the Department of the Interior. S p r m g Valley Creek, Sweetwater River, California. SEC. 210. The last sentence of the first paragraph under the heading "Lower Mississippi River Basin" in section 204 of the Flood Control Act of 1965 is hereby amended to read as follows: "The monetary authorization for the lower Mississippi River project authorized by this Act shall be combined with the overall monetary authorization heretofore made available for prosecution of the entire lower Mississippi River and tributaries project and be available for application to any portion of the entire project." SEC. 211. The Secretary of the Army shall reimburse any common carrier by railroad for the cost of protective works constructed by such carrier during the year 1966 along the banks of the Eel River, California, to deter recurrence of damage to land banks by floods or high waters, but such reimbursement shall not exceed $1,200,000. SEC. 212. Title II of this Act may be cited as the "Flood Control Act of 1966". Approved November 7, 1966.

Public Law 89-790 November 7, 1966 [ H. R. 14604]

AN ACT T<» siuthori/H ii study <»f facilities and services to pe furnished visitors and students coniintr to the Nation's Capital.

Be it enactejl by the Sermte and House of Representatives of the Nation's Capital, United States of Amenca m CongresH anHewhled^ That there is hereby "'stud" commis-^" Created a Study Commission which shall make a full and complete sion. investigation and study of sites and plans to provide facilities and services for visitors and students coming to the Nation's Capital. Such study may include provision for the following activities and services: (1) exhibits, lectures, films, and displays for informing, instructing, and orienting visitors respecting the history, growth, development of the Nation, the Nation's Capital, and the organization and oj^eration of the Federal Government in all its branches; (2) exhibits and displays by the individual States, territories, possessions, and the District of Columbia with respect to their history, resources, scenic attractions, and other appropriate matters;