Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 80 Part 1.djvu/1816

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[80 STAT. B28]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1966
[80 STAT. B28]



General Services Administration—Con. Pago Government Organization and Em> Page Land conveyances— ployees—Continued Morro Rock Lighthouse Reservation, Appropriation Act, general provisions.. 1014 Calif 257 Back Pay Act of 1906 94 Pinellas County, Fla 876 Civil defense and defense mobilization National Archives and Records Service. functions, appropriation for 664 See separate title. Civil Service Retirement Act. See National historical publications grants, separate title. appropriation for 672 Civil Service Retirement Act AmendNational Industrial Reserve Act of 1948, apments of 1966 300 propriation for effecting provisions.. 672 Claims and judgments, appropriation Nation's Capital Study Commission on for payment 150, 1065 Visitors Facilities, membership 1425 Classification Act of 1949. See separate Public Buildings Service— title. Appropriation for 159, 669 Codification, revision, and enactment Construction of Post Offices and other into law of Title 5 of United States Federal buildings, appropriation Codefor 670 Agencies generally ". 378 Publications, Government, additional Amendments to other titles, restatecopies for use by Presidential ment and transfer of existing laws libraries 956 without substantive change... 608-631 Slip laws, issued under authority of, Employees 407 admissibility in evidence 271 Tables of laws repealed.. _ 632-663 Strategic and Critical Materials Stock United States Civil Service ComPiling Act. See separate title. mission 398 Transportation and Communications Columbia River, retrocession of legislaService, appropriation for 159,672 tive jurisdiction over certain lands Utilization and Disposal Service, apto States 202 propriation for 672 Delmarva Peninsula hydrologic study, Vice President of United States, aucooperation 870 thorization for construction, etc., of Disabilities, compensation— official residence 106 Claims, time for filing 254 William Langer Jewel Bearing Plant, Cost-of-living adjustments in future.. 256 RoUa, N. Dak., designation 1367 Death outside United States, ruleWorking Capital Fund, appropriation for. 673 making authority 255 Geological Survey, appropriation for. _ 156, 175 District of Columbia government emGeorge Rogers Clark National Historical ployees, applicability 256 Park, Vincennes, Ind., establishment-. 325 Education benefits of dependents, conGeorgetown University, D.C., amendment tinuation 253 of charter 877 Increases in maximum and minimum German Paintings, transfer to Federal limits 252 Republic of Germany 871 Military personnel, nonapplicability.. 256 Germany, Federal Republic of, donation Remployment rights 253 of obsolete German weapons by Remarriage of widow, lump-sum Department of the Army to 344 compensation 254 Gifts and Decorations Act of 1966, Third parties, recoveries in actions Foreign 952 against 255 Government Organization and Employees. Disaster areas, financial assistance, nonSee also individual departments. duplication of benefits 1320 Accounting adjustments between apFair Packaging and Labeling Act, copropriations 221 operation under 1300 Administrative Expenses Act of 1946. Federal Claims Collection Act of 1966.. 308 See separate title. Federal Employees' Compensation Act Agents of foreign principals, penalty Amendments of 1966 252 for acting as 249 Federal Employees' Group Life InAlaska purchase, centennial celebration, surance Act of 1954, amendments— 1967, cooperation 84 Designations of beneficiaries 78 American Revolution Bicentennial Federal employee union officers, inCommission, cooperation in plansurance coverage 298 ning 260