Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 80 Part 1.djvu/527

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[80 STAT. 491]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1966
[80 STAT. 491]

80 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 89-554-SEPT. 6, 1966

(c) All allotments from the pay and allowances of an employee in a missing status may not total more than the amount of pay and allowances he is permitted to allot under regulations prescribed by the head of the agency concerned. (d) A premium paid by the United States on insurance issued on the life of an employee, which is unearned because it covers a period after his death, reverts to the appropriation of the agency concerned. (e) Subject to subsections (f) and (g) of this section, the head of the agency concerned or his designee may direct the initiation, continuance, discontinuance, increase, decrease, suspension, or resumption of an allotment from the pay and allowances of an employee in a missing status when that action is in the interests of the employee, his dependents, or the United States. (f) When the head of the agency concerned officially reports that an employee in a missing status is alive, an allotment under subsections (a) - (d) of this section may be paid, subject to section 5562 of this title, until the date the head of the agency concerned receives evidence that the employee is dead or has returned to the controllable jurisdiction of the agency concerned. (g) When an employee in a missing status is continued in that status under section 5565 of this title, an allotment under subsections (a) - (d) of this section may be continued, increased, or initiated. (h) When the head of the agency concerned considers it essential for the well-being and protection of the dependents of an employee in active service (other than an employee in a missing status), he may, w'ith or without the consent of the employee and subject to termination on specific request of the employee— (1) direct the payment of a new allotment from the pay of the employee; (2) increase or decrease the amount of an allotment made by the employee; and (3) continue payment of an allotment of the employee which has expired. §5564. Travel and transportation; dependents; household and personal effects; motor vehicles; sale of bulky items; claims for proceeds; appropriation chargeable (a) For the purpose of this section, "household and personal effects" and "household effects" may include, in addition to other authorized weight allowances, one privately owned motor vehicle which may be shipped at United States expense when it is located outside the United States or in Alaska or Hawaii. (b) Transportation (including packing, crating, draying, temporarily storing, and unpacking of household and personal effects) may be provided for the dependents and household and personal effects of an employee in active service (without regard to pay grade) who is officially reported as dead, injured, or absent for more than 29 days in a status listed in section 5561(5)(A) - (E) of this title to— (1) the official residence of record for the employee; (2) the residence of his dependent, next of kin, or other person entitled to the effects under regulations prescribed by the head of the agency concerned; or (3) another location determined in advance or later approved by the head of the agency concerned or his designee on request of the employee (if injured) or his dependent, next of kin, or other person described in paragraph (2) of this subsection. (c) When an employee described in subsection (b) of this section is in an injured status, transportation of dependents and household and personal effects may be provided under this section only when prolonged hospitalization or treatment is anticipated.