Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 80 Part 1.djvu/673

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[80 STAT. 637]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1966
[80 STAT. 637]

80 STAT. ]


PUBLIC LAW 89-554-rSEPT..6, 1966 Statutes at Large—Continued




Statutes at Large Volume

1893 Mar. 3


Dec. 21


1894 May 11 June 19 June 28 July 31 Do-.-.

73.. 108118174. 174-

Do..-. Aug. 3 Aug. 14 Aug. 15 Aug. 18 Aug. 23 Do.-.. Aug. 27 Dec. 27

174202287. 290301307308. 349. 12-

1896 Jan. 12


23, 44, 46, 48, 73 (9th and 10th pars, on p. 618).

Feb. 11 Feb. 28 Mar. 1 Mar. 2 Do.... Do... Do.-.. Do.-.Do.-..

80.. 138. 146. 172176. 176. 176. 177. 177.





3 1-3, 6. 2 2 1 (1st proviso on p. 747) 1 (2d proviso on p. 763) 1 (1st proviso on p. 757)... 1 (5th full par. on p. 7 7 7) - . 1 (words between 1st and 2d semicolons under "General Land OfBce"). 1 (2d proviso and sentence following 2d proviso on p. 796). 1 (3d par. on p.«19)

1896 Feb. 26 Mar. 16 Mar. 28 May 28

3458.. 73.. 252.

D o - . - 252. June 3 313. June 9 387. June 10 June 11 Do—. Do.... Dec. 22

419. 419. 419. 2...

1897 Feb. 15 Feb. 19

231. 265.

Mar. 3


Apr. June June July

23 4 7 24

Do.-.. 65-300 0 - 6 7 — 4 3

(last 25 words of 1st sentence in 2d par. under "General Expenses, Weather Bureau".)


742 20

(penultimate par.), (penultimate par.). 1 (2d par. under "Civil Service Commission") 1 (words between 1st and 2d semicolons under "General Land Office"). 3,4 15. 1 (2d proviso on p. 288) 1 (2dpar. o n p. 391).— 1 G^t par. on p. 426).. 33, 64, 65. 4

(par. under "Inspection of Consulates").

1 (words between 1st and 2d semicolons under "General Land Office"). 3 ., ("Sec. 4") 1 (2d proviso and sentence following 2d proviso on p. 323). 1 (proviso on p. 402) 1 (provisos on p. 405) 1 (par. beginning "Industrial Home School") (2d sentence In par. which begins "For fees and expenses".)

1 (words between 1st and 2d semicolons under "General Land Office"). 1 (1st full par. on p. 677 and 2d sentence under "For the Fire Department"). (4th full par. on p. 10) 1 (2d proviso on p. 29) 1 (last proviso on p. 86) 29 (last sentence) 2,3

76 93 96 169 193 205 225 285 288 391 426 488 557, 567

604,607, 608,618 651 689,690 699 741 747 753 757 777 794 796 919

36 60 76 168 179 198 317 323 402 405 410 479

530 667


211 216