Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 80 Part 1.djvu/923

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[80 STAT. 887]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1966
[80 STAT. 887]

80 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 89-642-OCT. 11, 1966



(e) Breakfasts served by schools participating in the school breakfast program under this section shall consist of a combination of foods and shall meet minimum nutritional requirements prescribed by the Secretary on the basis of tested nutritional research. Such breakfasts shall be served without cost or at a reduced cost only to children who are determined by local school authorities to be unable to pay the full cost of the breakfast. I n making such determinations, such local authorities should, to the extent practicable, consult with public welfare and health agencies. No physical segregation of or other discrimination against any child shall be made by the school because of his inability to pay. N O N P R OF I T PRIVATE


(f) The withholding of funds for and disbursement to nonprofit private schools will be effected in accordance with section 10 of the National School Lunch Act, as amended, exclusive of the matching provi- ,/°,f*^*Q^^/^' 76 Stat. 9 4 5. sions thereof. 42 USC 1759. NONFOOD ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AUTHORIZATION

SEC. 5. (a) There is hereby authorized to be appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1967, not to exceed $12,000,000, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968, not to exceed $15,000,000, for each of the two fiscal years ending June 30, 1969, and June 30, 1970, not to exceed $18,000,000, and for each fiscal year thereafter such sums as the Congress may hereafter authorize, to enable the Secretary to formulate and carry out a program to assist the States through grantsin-aid and other means to supply schools drawing attendance from areas in which poor economic conditions exist with equipment, other than land or buildings, for the storage, preparation, transportation, and serving of food to enable such schools to establish, maintain, and expand school food service programs. I n the case of nonprofit private schools, such equipment shall be for use of such schools principally in connection with child feeding programs authorized m this Act and in the National School Lunch Act, as amended, and in the ^° ^^^ ^^^^ event such equipment is no longer so used, that part of such equip- n^te. ment financed with Federal funds, or the residual value thereof, shall revert to the United States. A P P O R T I O N M E N T S TO STATES

(b) The Secretary shall apportion the funds appropriated for the purposes of this section among the States during each fiscal year on the same basis as apportionments are made under section 4 of the National School Lunch Act, as amended, for supplying agricultural and other foods, except that apportionment to American Samoa for any fiscal year shall be on the same basis as the apportionment to the other States. Payments to any State of funds apportioned for any fiscal year shall be made upon condition that at least one-fourth of the cost of any equipment financed under this subsection shall be borne by State or local funds. STATE D I S B U R S E M E N T TO SCHOOLS

(c)' Funds apportioned and paid to any State for the purpose of this section shall be disbursed by the State educational agency to as-

^^ ^^^- 944.