Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/1115

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[82 STAT. 1073]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 1073]

82 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 90-576-OCT. 16, 1968


" (b) I n addition to the uses of funds specified in subsection (a), funds appropriated pursuant to section 102(c) and paid to a State for the following purpose by the Commissioner may be used for— " (1) the development of the State plan; "(2) State administration of the State plan, including obtaining information regarding current and projected manpower needs and job opportunities; and "(3) the evaluations required under this title and the dissemination of the results thereof. "(c)(1) At least 25 per centum of that portion of each State's allotment of funds appropriated under section 102(a) for any fiscal year beginning after June 80, 1969, which is in excess of its base allotment shall be used only for the purpose set forth in paragraph (4)(A) of subsection (a): Provided, That for anj'^ such fiscal year the amount used for such purpose shall not be less than 15 per centum of the total allotment of such funds for each State, except as any requirement under this paragraph may be waived for any State by the Commissioner for any fiscal year upon his finding that the requirement imposes a hardship or is impractical in its application. " (2) A t least 25 per centum of that portion of each State's allotment of funds appropriated under section 102(a) for any fiscal year beginning after June 30, 1969, which is in excess of its base allotment shall be used only for the purpose set forth in paragraph (2) of subsection (a): Provided, That for any such fiscal year the amount used for such purpose shall not be less than 15 per centum of the total allotment of such funds for each State, except as any requirement under this paragraph may be waived for any State by the Commissioner for any fiscal year upon his finding that the requirement imposes a hardship or is impractical in its application. "(3) At least 10 per centum of each State's allotment of funds appropriated under section 102(a) for any fiscal year beginning after June 30, 1969, shall be used only for the purpose set forth in paragraph 4(B) of subsection (a). "(4) As used in this subsection, the term 'base allotment' means "Base aiiotthe sum of the allotments to a State for the fiscal year ending June 30, '"^"*" 1969, from (1) sums appropriated under section 102(a) of this Act, (2) the Smith-Hughes Act (that is, the Act a p p r o v ^ February 23, 1917 (39 Stat. 929; 20 U.S.C. 11-15,16-28)), (3) the Vocational Education Act of 1946, and (4) any of the supplementary vocational edu- ^"'e- P- IO7I. rational Acts (including, in the case of American Samoa, section 2 of the Act of September 25, 1962,48 U.S.C. 1667). ^6 Stat. sse. "STATE PLANS

"SEC. 123. (a) Any State desiring to receive the amount for which it is eligible for any fiscal year pursuant to this title shall submit a State plan at such time, in such detail, and containing such information as the Commissioner deems necessary, which meets the requirements set forth in this title. The Commissioner shall approve a plan submitted by a State if he determines that the plan submitted for that year— "(1) has been prepared in consultation with the State advisory council for that State; "(2) designates the State board as the sole agency for administration of the State plan, or for supervision of the administration thereof by local educational agencies; "(3) has been submitted only after the State board (A) has given reasonable notice, and afforded a reasonable opportunity for a public hearing, and (B) has implemented policies and procedures to insure that copies of the State plan and all statements of