Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/1225

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[82 STAT. 1183]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 1183]

82 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 90-602-OCT. 18, 1968


spect, at reasonable times and within reasonable limits and in a reasonable manner, the facilities and procedures within such area which are related to electronic product radiation safety. Each such inspection shall be commenced and completed with reasonable promptness. I n addition to other grounds upon which good cause rnay be found for purposes of this subsection, good cause will be considered to exist in any case where the manufacturer has introduced into commerce any electronic product which does not comply with an apj)Ucable standard prescribed under this subpart and with respect to which no exemption from the notification requirements has been granted by the Secretary under section 359(a)(2) or 359 (e). "(b) Every manufacturer of electronic products shall establish and Records, maintain such records (including testing records), make such reports, and provide such information, as the Secretary may reasonably require to enable him to determine whether such manufacturer has acted or is acting in compliance with this subpart and standards prescribed pursuant to this subpart and shall, upon request of an officer or employee duly designated by the Secretary, permit such officer or employee to inspect appropriate books, papers, records, and documents relevant to determining whether such manufacturer has acted or is acting in compliance with standards prescribed pursuant to this subpart. "(c) Every manufacturer of electronic products shall provide to the Secretary such performance data and other technical data related to safety as may be required to carry out the purposes of this subpart. The Secretary is authorized to require the manufacturer to give such notification of such performance and technical data at the time of original purchase to the ultimate purchaser of the electronic product, as he determines necessary to carry out the purposes of this subpart after consulting with the affected industry. " (d) Accident and investigation reports made under this subpart by any officer, employee, or agent of the Secretary shall be available for US3 in any civil, criminal, or other judicial proceeding arising out of such accident. Any such officer, employee, or agent may be required to testify in such proceedings as to the facts developed in such investigations. Any such report shall be made available to the public in a manner which need not identify individuals. All reports on research projects, demonstration projects, and other related activities shall be public information. " (e) The Secretary or his representative shall not disclose any information reported to or otherwise obtained by him, pursuant to subsection (a) or (b) of this section, which concerns any information which contains or relates to a trade secret or other matter referred to in section 1905 of title 18 of the United States Code, except that such ^2 Stat. 791. information may be disclosed to other officers or employees of the Department and of other agencies concerned with carrying out this subpart or when relevant in any proceeding under this subpart. Nothing in this section shall authorize the withholding of information by the Secretary, or by any officers or employees under his control, from the duly authorized committees of the Congress. "(f) The Secretary may by regulation (1) require dealers and distributors of electronic products, to which there are applicable standards prescribed under this subpart and the retail prices of which is not less than $50, to furnish manufacturers of such products such information as may be necessary to identify and locate, for purposes of section 359, the first purchasers of such products for purposes other than resale, and (2) require manufacturers to preserve such information.