Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/507

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[82 STAT. 465]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 465]

82 STAT. ]


SEC. 121. The purpose of this part is to promote the use of community-based services for the prevention of delinquency of youths; and to assist States and communities to establish special preventive services, including educational delinquency prevention programs in schools, for youths in danger of becoming delinquent, including youths who are on parole or probation. AUTHORIZATION OF GRANTS

SEC. 122. The Secretary is authorized to make grants to meet not to exceed 75 per centum of the cost of projects or programs designed to carry out the purposes of this part. APPLICATIONS

SEC. 123. (a) Grants under this part may be made only upon application, to a State agency or, in the case of direct grants under section 132, to the Secretary, by a public agency or nonprofit private agency or organization, which contains or is accompanied by satisfactory assurances that— (1) steps have been or will be taken toward provision, within a reasonable period of time, of a program of services in the area served which are necessary for the prevention of delinquency of youths, including diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of youths in danger of becoming delinquent; (2) such applicant agency or organization will make special efforts to assure that the services provided by the program or project will be available for youths with serious behavioral problems; (3) such applicant agency or organization will provide to the extent feasible for coordinating, on a continuing basis, its operations with the operations of public agencies and private nonprofit organizations furnishing welfare, education, health, mental health, recreation, job training, job placement, correction, and other basic services in the community for youths; (4) such applicant agency or organization will make reasonable efforts to secure or provide any of such services which are necessary^ for diagnosing, treating, and rehabilitating youths referred to in section 121 and which are not otherwise being provided in the community, or if being provided are not adequate to meet its needs; (5) maximum use will be made under the program or project of other Federal, State, or local resources available for provision of such services; and (6) public and private agencies and organizations (including courts, law enforcement and other agencies involved in the youth correction process) providing the services referred to in paragraph (3) will be consulted in the formulation by the applicant