Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/813

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[82 STAT. 771]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 771]

82 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 90-489-AUG. 16, 1968


SEC. 7. Section 809(f) is amended by changing "$50,000,000" to 7 USC 1929. "$100,000,000". SEC. 8. Section 312 is amended by (a) revising subsection (4) to 7 USC 1942. read as follows: "(4) financing land and water development, use, and conservation,"; (b) inserting new items (5) and (6) to read as follows: "(5) without regard to the requirements of section 311(2) and (3), to individual farmers or ranchers to finance outdoor recrea- 7 USC 1941. tional enterprises or to convert to recreiational uses their farming or rancihing operations, including those heretofore financed under this \ title, (6) enterprises needed to supplement farm income,"; and (c) \ by renumbering the present items " (5), (6), and (7) " to " (7), (8), \ and (9)". SEC. 9. Secition 313 is amended by changing the colon after "$35,000" ^ use 1943. jto a comma, and by striking the proviso in item (1). "" SEC. 10. Section 316 is amended by (a) striking from the first sen- ^"^r^* '^^'*^^' tence "at an interest rate not to exceed 5 per centum per annum," and (b) adding at the end of the section the following: "Loans made under this subtitle shall bear interest at a rate determined by the Secretary of the Treasury taking into consideration the current average market yield on outstanding marketable obligations of the United States with remaining periods to maturity comparable to the average maturities of such loans, adjusted to the nearest one-eighth of 1 per centum, \ plus not to exceed 1 per centum per annum as determined by the \ Secretary." SEC. 11. Section 331 is amended by adding a new subsection (f) at the ^ ugl^"'9'^ ^'^^" end thereof to read as follows: " (f) Release mortgage and other contract liens if it appears that ^ they have no present or prospective value or that their enforcement likely would be ineffectual or uneconomical." . / SEC. 12. Section 333(b) of the Consolidated Farmers Home Admin- 7 USC 1983. ( istration Act of 1961 is amended by striking the word "farming". J Approved August 15, 1968; Public Law 90-489 AN ACT August 16, 1968 To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the establishment of a [H-R. 12843] National Eye Institute in the National Institutes of Health. Be it enacted by the Seriate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That title IV of the National Eye inPublic Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. ch. 6A, subch. I l l) is amended EsSablishraent. by adding at the end thereof the following new part: ss Stat. 707; ,,-r,








"SEC^ 451. The Secretary is authorized to establish in the Public Health Service an institute for the conduct and support of research for new treatment and cures and training relating to blinding eye diseases and visual disorders, including research and training in the special health problems and requirements of the blind and in the basic

^2 USC 2 8 1 -
