Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/957

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[82 STAT. 915]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 915]

82 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 90-542-OCT. 2, 1968

(d) Nothing in this section with respect to the making of a loan or grant shall apply to grants made under the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 (78 Stat. 897; 16 U.S.C. 4601-5 et seq.). SEC. 8. (a) All public lands within the authorized boundaries of any component of the national wild and scenic rivers system which is designated in section 3 of this Act or which is hereafter designated for inclusion in that system are hereby withdrawn from entry, sale, or other disposition under the public land laws of the United States. (b) All public lands which constitute the bed or bank, or are within one-quarter mile of the bank, of any river which is listed in section 5, subsection (a), of this Act are hereby withdrawn from entry, sale, or other disposition under the public land laws of the United States for the periods specified in section 7, subsection (b), of this Act. SEC. 9. (a) Nothing in this Act shall affect the applicability of the ^^^^'^^\^^'^^^ United States mining and mineral leasing laws within components of i^w easing the national wild and scenic rivers system except that— (i) all prospecting, mining operations, and other activities on mining claims which, in the case of a component of the system designated in section 3 of this Act, have not heretofore been perfected or which, in the case of a component hereafter designated pursuant to this Act or any other Act of Congress, are not perfected before its inclusion in the system and all mining operations and other activities under a mineral lease, license, or permit issued or renewed after inclusion of a component in the system shall be subject to such regulations as the Secretary of the Interior or, in the case of national forest lands, the Secretary of Agriculture may prescribe to effectuate the purposes of this Act; (ii) subject to valid existing rights, the perfection of, or issuance of a patent to, any mining claim affecting lands within the system shall confer or convey a right or title only to the mineral deposits and such rights only to the use of the surface and the surface resources as are reasonably required to carrying on prospecting or mining operations and are consistent with such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior or, in the case of national forest lands, by the Secretary of Agriculture; and (iii) subject to valid existing rights, the minerals in Federal lands which are part of the system and constitute the bed or bank or are situated within one-quarter mile of the bank of any river designated a wild river under this Act or any subsequent Act are hereby withdrawn from all forms of appropriation under the mining laws and from operation of the mineral leasing laws including, in both cases, amendments thereto. Kegulations issued pursuant to paragraphs (i) and (ii) of this subsection shall, among other things, provide safeguards against pollution of the river involved and unnecessary impairment of the scenery within the component in question. (b) The minerals in any Federal lands which constitute the bed or bank or are situated within one-quarter mile of the bank of any river which is listed in section 5, subsection (a) of this Act are hereby withdrawn from all forms of appropriation under the mining laws during the periods specified in section 7, subsection (b) of this Act. Nothing contained in this subsection shall be construed to forbid prospecting or the issuance or leases, licenses, and permits under the mineral leasing laws subject to such conditions as the Secretary of the Interior and, in the case of national forest lands, the Secretary of Agriculture find appropriate to safeguard the area in the event it is subsequently included in the system.