Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/1091

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[83 STAT. A23]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969
[83 STAT. A23]

SUBJECT INDEX Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Page Act of 1969 742 Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, appropriation for 329 Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1958, appropriation for effecting provisions 325, 326 Fish and Wildlife Service— Black Bass Act, amendments, commercial traffic in Black Bass or other fish taken illegally in foreign country, restriction 281 Endangered Species Conservation Act of 1969 275 Migratory Bird Treaty Act, amendments, shipment of wild game mammals, etc., to and from Mexico 282 General provisions. Appropriation Acts. 158, 165, 334 Geological Survey, appropriation for 55, 152, 448 Hickel, Walter J., publication of hearings on nomination of secretary 899 Indian Affairs, Bureau of, appropriation for 54,73, 148,448 Indians. See separate title. Land conveyances— Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, Ga 371 Conservation of endangered species, purchase of areas for 282 Everglades National Park, Fla 134 Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tenn., certain rights-of-way. 100 "Valley of Fire State Park, Nev., lands for inclusion, waiver of acreage limitation 445 Land Management, Bureau of, appropriation for 54, 147, 448 Mines, Bureau of— Appropriation for 55, 74, 153, 448 Coal mining— Education and training programs.. 800, 802 Grants to States for health and safety programs 800 Health, advisory committee on research, member 748 Interim Compliance Panel, member 744 Working conditions, etc., research. 799 National Park Service, appropriation for 55,74, 156,449 National parks, monuments, seashores, etc. See separate title. National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966, citation as title 283


Oil and Gas, Office of, appropriation Page for 55, 154 Oregon and California grant lands, appropriation for 147 Outdoor Recreation, Bureau of, appropriationfor 54,74, 150 Pribilof Islands, appropriation for administration 155 Public land entry, disaster areas, additional time 126 Public lands development roads and trails, appropriation for 147 Reclamation, Bureau of— Appropriation for .. 75, 329 Civilian employees, overpayment of certain, relief 882 Disaster areas, use in assistance 127 Reclamation projects— Water resource development projects, feasibility studies 130 Yakima project, Kennewick division extension. Wash., construction, etc 106 Saline Water, Office of, appropriation for 158 Saline water program, appropriation authorization 45 Secretary, Office of the, appropriation for 158 Solicitor, Office of the, appropriation for 75, 158 Southeastern Power Administration, appropriation for 334 Southwestern Power Administration, appropriation for 334 Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Bureau of— Anadromous and Great Lakes fisheries conservation, appropriation for_ 156 Appropriation for 55, 74, 155, 448 Migratory bird conservation account, appropriation for 156 Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, cooperation with 369 Territories, Office of the, appropriation for 54, 151,448 Timber, disaster areas, cancellation of contracts, etc 126 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, appropriation for 151, 448 United States Park Police, appointment, age limits 116 Water Pollution Control Act, Federal, appropriation for effecting provisions 329 Water Resources Research, Office of, appropriation for 75, 158