Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/1103

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[83 STAT. A35]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969
[83 STAT. A35]


Reserve System, Federal: "Page Credit Control Act 376 National banks, taxation by States, study 434 Retired Federal Employees Health Benefits Act, appropriation for effecting provisions 223 Revenue Act of 1937, District of Columbia, Amendments, motor vehicles, registration, inspection, etc., fees, increase 173 Revenue Act of 1941, appropriation for effecting provisions 348 Revenue Act of 1947, District of Columbia: Amendments, Federal payment, increase 180 Appropriation for effecting provisions.. 428 Revenue Act of 1969, District of Columbia. 169 Revenue and Expenditure Control Act of 1968, Amendment, limitation of employees in executive branch, r e p e a l.. 83 Revised Statutes. See Tables 2 and 12 in "Laws Affected in Volume 8 3 ", preceding this Index. Revolution Bicentennial Commission, American: Appropriation for _ 165 Report to President, time extension; appropriation authorization 132 Rifle Practice, National Board for the Promotion of, appropriation for 475 Rioters, convicted Federal employees, withholding of payments to___ 244, 261, 427 Rivers and Harbors: Delaware River Basin Commission, appropriation for — 335 P o to m a c River Basin, I n t e r s t a t e Commission on the, appropriation for.. 335 Reclamation projects— W a t e r resource development projects, feasibility studies 130 Y a k i m a project, Kennewick division extension, Wash., construction, etc 106 Saint Lawrence Seaway, 10th anniversary, congressional c o m m e n d a t i o n. 902 U p p e r Niobrara River Compact 86 Roosevelt Memorial Park, Franklin Delano, designation of land in District of Columbia 928 Rosebud Sioux Indian Reservation, S. Dak., land exchange proceedings 190 Rural Community Development Service, appropriation for 67, 255 Rural Electrification Administration, appropriation for 68, 257 Rural Rehabilitation Corporation Trust Liquidation Act, appropriation for 975 effecting provisions 258

Y a k i m a project, Kennewick division Page extension, Wash., construction, etc 106 Red Cross Month, 1969, proclamation 930 Redwood National Park, Lady Bird Johnson Grove, Calif., designation, proclamation 956 Reference Data Act, Standard, appropriation for effecting provisions, authorization 273 Reform of Federal Criminal Laws, National Commission o n: Appropriation for 423 Extension 44 Regional Action Planning Commission Amendments of 1969 216 Rehabilitation Study Act of 1965, Correctional, s t u d y; final report, extension 6 Renegotiation Board, appropriation for.. 81, 231 Reorganization P l a n s: No. 1 of 1969, I n t e r s t a t e Commerce Commission, transfer of functions. 859 President's authority to submit to Congress, extension 6 Research and Development: Agriculture, Department of, appropriation for 245 Armed Forces, aircraft, missiles, etc., appropriation authorization 205 Civil defense, appropriation for 234 Coal miners, improvement of working conditions, etc 798 High-speed ground transportation, appropriation for 460 Maritime programs, appropriation authorization 133 Medical and prosthetic research program, appropriation for 232 Military, facilities and equipment, appropriation for 478 National Aeronautics and Space Administration— Appropriation authorization 196 Appropriation for 229 National Science Foundation, appropriation authorization 203 Occupational diseases, coal mining 215 Older Americans program 111 P o s t Office Department, appropriation for 119 Transportation, appropriation for 454, 456, 460 Reserve Forces Facilities Authorization Act, 1970 318 Reserve Recognition Day, proclamation..
