Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/721

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[83 STAT. 693]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969
[83 STAT. 693]



PUBLIC LAW 91-172-DEC. 30, 1969

" (b) Married Person: The amount of income tax to be with"If the amount of wages i s: held shall b e: Not over $1,100 0. Over $1,100 but not over $2,500 2 1 % of excess over $1,100. Over $2,500 but not over $4,600 $294 plus 1 5 % of excess over.$2,500. Over $4,600 but not over $9,200 $609 plus 17% of excess over $4,600. Over $9,200 but not over.$18,000— $1,391 plus 20% of excess over $9,200. Over $18,000 but not over.$22,000— $3,151 plus 2 5 % of excess over $18,000. Over $22.000 $4,151 plus 30% of excess over $22,000.

"Table 8—If the payroll period with respect to an employee is a D A I L Y payroll period or a miscellaneous payroll period " (a) Single Person—Including Head of Household: "If the amount of wages divided by the number of days in the payroll period The amount of income tax to be withis: held shall b e: Not over $3.00 0. Over $3.00 but not over $4.70 2 1 % of excess over $3.00. Over $4.70 but not over $7.40 $0.36 plus 2 5 % of excess over $4.70. Over $7.40 but not over $12.60 $1.03 plus 17% of excess over $7.40. Over $12.60 but not over $25.20___ $1.92 plus 2 1 % of excess over $12.60. Over $25.20 but not over $30.10 $4.56 plus 2 5 % of excess over $25.20. Over $30.10 $5.79 plus 30% of excess over $30.10.

" (b) Married Person: "If the amount of wages divided by the number of days in the payroll period The amount of income tax to be withis: held shall b e: Not over $3.00 0. Over $3.00 but not over $6.80 2 1 % of excess over $3.00. Over $6.80 but not over $12.60 $0.80 plus 15% of excess over $6.80. Over $12.60 but not over $25.20 $1.67 plus 17% of excess over $12.60. Over $25.20 but not over $49.30 $3.81 plus 20% of excess over $25.20. Over $49.30 but not over $60.30 $8.63 plus 2 5 % of excess over $49.30. Over.$60.30 $11.38 plus 30% of excess over $60.30.

"(3) In the case of wages paid after December 31, 1970, and before January 1, 1972: "Table 1—If the payroll period with respect to an employee is WEEKLY " (a) Single Person—Including Head of Household: "If the amount of wages i s: Not over $20 Over $20 but not over $31 Over $31 but not over $50 Over $50 but not over $100 Over $100 but not over $135 Over $135 but not over $212 Over $212

The amount of income tax to be withheld shall b e: 0. 14% of excess over $20. $1.54 plus 17% of excess over $31. $4.77 plus 20% of excess over $50. $14.77 plus 18% of excess over $100. $21.07 plus 2 1 % of excess over $1.35. $.37.24 plus 24% of excess over $212.

"(b) Married Person: "If the amount of wages i s: Not over,$20 Over $20 but not over,$42 Over $42 but not over $77 Over $77 but not over $163 Over $163 but not over $269 Over $269 but not over $385 Over $385

31-100 O - 70 - 46

The amount of income tax to be withheld shall b e: 0. 14% of excess over,$20. $3.08 plus 17% of excess over $42. $9.03 plus 16% of excess over $77. $22.79 plus 19% of excess over $163. $42.93 plus 2 1 % of excess over $269. $67.29 plus 2 5 % of excess over $.38,5.