Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/883

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[83 STAT. 855]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969
[83 STAT. 855]

83 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 91-190-JAN. 1, 1970


SEC. 203. The Council may employ such officers and employees as may be necessary to carry out its functions under this Act. I n addition, the Council may employ and fix the compensation of such experts and consultants as may be necessary for the carrying out of its functions under this Act, in accordance with section 3109 of title 5, United States 80-Stat. 416. Code (but without regard to the last sentence thereof). Duties and SEC. 204. It shall be the duty and function of the Council— (1) to assist and advise the President in the fyeparation of the Environmental Quality Report required by section 201; (2) to gather timely and authoritative information concerning the conditions and trends in the quality of the environment both current and prospective, to analyze and interpret such information for the purpose of determining whether such conditions and trends are interfering, or are likely to interfere, with the achievement of the policy set forth in title I of this Act, and to compile and submit to the President studies relating to such conditions and trends; (3) to review and appraise the various programs and activities of the Federal Government in the light of the policy set forth in title I of this Act for the purpose of determining the extent to which such programs and activities are contributing to the achievement of such policy, and to make recommendations to the President with respect thereto; (4) to develop and recommend to the President national policies to foster and promote the improvement of environmental quality to meet the conservation, social, economic, health, and other requirements and goals of the Nation; (5) to conduct investigations, studies, surveys, research, and analyses relating to ecological systems and environmental quality; (6) to document and define changes in the natural environment, including the plant and animal systems, and to accumulate necessary data and other information for a continuing analysis of these changes or trends and an interpretation of their underlying causes; (7) to report at least once each year to the President on the president'" state and condition of the environment; and (8) to make and furnish such studies, reports thereon, and recommendations with respect to matters of policy and legislation as the President may request. SEC. 205. In exercising its powers, functions, and duties under this Act, the Council shall—• (1) consult with the Citizens' Advisory Committee on Environmental Quality established by Executive Order numbered 11472, dated May 29, 1969, and with such representatives of science, ^^ '^^'^ ^'^^ industry, agriculture, labor, conservation organizations. State and local governments and other groups, as it deems advisable; and (2) utilize, to the fullest extent possible, the services, facilities, and information (including statistical information) of public and private agencies and organizations, and individuals, in order that duplication of effort and expense may be avoided, thus assuring that the Council's activities will not unnecessarily overlap or conflict with similar activities authorized by law and performed by established agencies.