Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 85.djvu/1063

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PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1971

SUBJECT INDEX Dependents Assistance Act of 1950, Page amendments— Extension 355 Quarters allowances and allotments of p a y 359 Dependents, evacuation, special allowances 494 D r u g t r e a t m e n t for members 361 Employment assistance program, special consideration 150 Enlistment bonus 358 Health care benefits, surviving dependents 157 Members, combat zones, duty-free entry of certain gifts, extension 774 Military Selective Service Act. See separate title. Missing status, promotion 489 Optometrists, special p a y 357 P a y and allowances— Increases; special p a y 355 Missing status, promotion 489 Pilot training, course of instruction prescribed by military d e part m e n t 489 Senior R O T C — Scholarships, increase 487 Subsistence allowances, increase 490 Servicemen's group life insurance, beneficiaries 642 U S O Day, proclamation 877 Veterans. See separate title. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, appropriation for 71, 265 Army, Department of the. See also Armed Forces; Defense, Department of. Active d u t y strength 360 Aircraft, missiles, etc., research and development, appropriation authorization 423, 424 Anti-ballistic missile construction— Appropriation for 735 Limitation on deployment 426 Appropriation for 62, 366, 716 Blind and Other Severely Handicapped, Committee for Purchase of Products and Services of the, member 78 Cemeterial expenses, appropriation for_ 368 Civil functions, appropriation for 681 Commissioned officers, appointment 361 Engineers, Corps of— Appropriation for 63, 366, 638 River basin plans for flood control, authorization 798 Flood control, Mississippi River, appropriation for 367


Fort Bliss Military Reservation, El Paso Page County, Tex., land conveyance to State 412 Military Construction Appropriation Act, 1972 482 Military Construction Authorization Act, 1972 394 National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice, appropriation for 720 National Guard. See Army under National Guard. Operation and maintenance, appropriation for 718 Pilot rating requirements 489 Procurement, appropriation for 721 Research, development, etc.— Appropriation for 725 Authorization of funds 424 Reserve components— Appropriation for 717 Facilities, construction, etc 414 Military construction, appropriation for 483 Officers, appointment 361 Selective reserve strength 425 Senior R O T C — Scholarships, increase 487 Subsistence allowances, increase 490 Reserve Forces Facilities Authorization Act, 1972 414 R y u k y u Islands, appropriation for administration 63, 681 United States Soldiers' Home, appropriation for 47, 63, 300 Art, National Gallery of, appropriation for_ 244 Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases, National Institute of, appropriation for 292 Arts, Commission of Fine, appropriation for 241 Arts and the Humanities, National Foundation on the, appropriation for 242 Asbestos, Amosite, disposition from national stockpile 328 Atmosphere, National Advisory Committee on Oceans and, establishment 344 Atomic Energy Act o f l 9 5 4, Amendments: Research activities 307 Appropriation for effecting provisions. _ 365 Atomic Energy Commission: Appropriation Act, 1972 365 Facilities, research, etc., appropriation authorization 304 Saline water conversion program, cooperation 161 Attorney General: Emergency Loan Guarantee Act, enforcement authority 181