Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 86.djvu/285

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[86 STAT. 243]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1972
[86 STAT. 243]




PUBLIC LAW 92-318-JUNE 23, 1972

"(b) The Council shall, with respect to the program authorized by this title, carry out the duties and functions specified by part C of the General Education Provisions Act and, in particular, it shall assist the Commissioner—• "(1) in identifying developing institutions through which the purposes of this title may be achieved; and "(2) in establishing the priorities and criteria to be used in making grants under section 304(a).

Post. p. 326.


"SEC. 304. (a) The Commissioner is authorized to make grants and awards, in accordance with the provisions of this title, for the purpose of strengthening developing institutions. Such grants and awards shall be used solely for the purposes set forth in subsection (b). "(b) Funds appropriated pursuant to section 301(b) shall be available for— " (1) grants to institutions of higher education to pay part of the cost of planning, developing, and carrying out cooperative arrangements between developing institutions and other institutions of higher education, and between dcA^eloping institutions and other organizations, agencies, and business entities, which show promise as effective measures for strengthening the academic program and the administrative capacity of developing institutions, including such projects and activities as— " (A) exchange of faculty or students, including arrangements for bringing visiting scholars to developing institutions, " (B) faculty and administration improvement programs, utilizing training, education (including fellowships leading to advanced degrees), internships, research participation, and other means, " (C) introduction of new curricula and curricular materials. " (D) development and operation of cooperative education programs involving alternate periods of academic study and business or public employment, and " (E) joint use of facilities such as libraries or laboratories, including necessary books, materials, and equipment; " (2) National Teaching Fellowships to be awarded by the Commissioner to highly qualified graduate students and junior faculty members of institutions of higher education for teaching at developing institutions; and "(3) Professors Emeritus Grants to be awarded by the Commissioner to professors retired from active service at institutions of higher education to encourage them to teach or to conduct lesearch at developing institutions. "(c)(1) An application for assistance for the purposes described in subsection (b)(1) shall be approved only if it— " (A) sets forth a program for carrying out one or more of the activities described in subsection (b)(1), and sets forth such policies and procedures for the administration of the program as will insure the proper and efficient operation of the jirogram and the accomplishment of the purposes of this title; " (B) sets forth such policies and procedures as will insure that Federal funds made available under this section for any fiscal year will be so used as to supplement and, to the extent practical, increase the level of funds that would, in the absence of such Federal funds be made available for the purposes of the activities described in subsection (b)(1), and m no case supplant such funds;

Grants and awards.

Ante, p. 241.

National Teaching Fellowships.

Professors Emeritus Grants.

Application approval conditions.