Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 86.djvu/409

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[86 STAT. 367]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1972
[86 STAT. 367]

86 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 92-318-JUNE 23, 1972

(c)(1) If a local educational agency in a State is prohibited by law from providing for the participation of children and staff enrolled or employed in private nonprofit elementary and secondary schools as required by paragraph (12) of section 710(a), the Assistant Secretary may waive such requirement with respect to local educational agencies in such State and, upon the approval of an application from a local educational agency within such State, shall arrange for the provision of services to such children enrolled in, or teachers or othereducational staff' of, any nonprofit private elementary or secondary school located within the school district of such agency if the participation of such children and staff would assist in achieving the purpose of this title stated in section 702(b) or in the case of an application under section 708(c) would assist in meeting the needs described in that subsection. The services to be provided through arrangements made by the Assistant Secretary under this paragraph shall be comparable to the services to be provided by such local educational agency under such application. The Assistant Secretary shall pay the cost of such arrangements from such State's allotment or, in the case of an application under section 708(c), from the funds reserved under section 7 0 4 (b)(2)(A), or in case of an application mider section 708(a), from the sums available to the Assistant Secretary under section 704(b)(2) for the purpose of that subsection. (2) I n determining the amount to be paid pursuant to paragraph (1), the Assistant Secretary shall take into account the number of children and teachers and other educational staff who, except for provisions of State law, might reasonably be expected to participate in the program carried out under this title by such local educational agency. (3) If the Assistant Secretary determines that a local educational agency has substantially failed to provide for the participation on an equitable basis of children and staff enrolled or employed in private nonprofit elementary -and secondary schools as required by paragraph (12) of section 710(a) he shall arrange for the provision of services to children enrolled in, or teachers or other educational staff' of, the nonprofit private elementary or secondary school or schools located within the school district of such local educational agency, which services shall, to the maximum extent feasible, be identical with the services which would have been provided such children or staff had the local educational agency carried out such assurance. The Assistant Secretary shall pay the cost of such services from the grant to such local educational agency and shall have the authority for this purpose of recovering from such agency any funds paid to it under such grant. (d) After making a grant or contract under this title, the Assistant Secretary shall notify the appropriate State educational agency of the name of the approved applicant and of the amount approved. EVALUATIONS

SEC. 713. The Assistant Secretary is authorized to reserve not in excess of 1 per centum of the sums appropriated under this title, and reserved pursuant to section 704(b)(2), for any fiscal year for the purposes of this section. From such reservation, the Assistant Secretary is authorized to make grants to, and contracts with. State e.ducational agencies, institutions of higher education and private organizations, institutions, and agencies, including committees established pursuant to section 710(a)(2) for the purpose of evaluating specific programs and projects assisted under this title.

367 waiver,