Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/1048

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[87 STAT. 1016]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 1016]


48 Stat. 1283.

PUBLIC LAW 93-236-JAN. 2, 1974

[87 STAT.

(A) in determining compensation in his current employment the protected employee shall be treated as occupying the position, producing the highest rate of pay to which his qualifications and seniority entitle him under the applicable collective bargaining agreement and which does not require a change in residence; (B) the said monthly displacement allowance shall be reduced by the full amount of any unemployment compensation benefits received by the protected employee and shall be reduced by an amount equivalent to any earnings of said protected employee in any employment subject to the Railroad Retirement Act and 60 per centum of any earnings in any employment not subject to the Railroad Retirement Act: (C) a protected employee's average monthly compensation shall be adjusted from time to time thereafter to reflect subsequent general wage increases; (D) should a protected employee's service total less than 12 months in which he performs more than 50 per centum compensated service based upon his normal work schedule in each of said months, his average monthly compensation shall be determined by dividing separately the total compensation received by the employee and the total time for which he was paid by the number of months in which he performed more than 50 per centum compensated service based upon his normal work schedule; and (E) the monthly displacement allowance provided by this section shall in no event exceed the sum of $2,500 in any month except that such amount shall be adjusted to reflect subsequent eneral wage increases. A protected employee's average monthly compensation under this section shall be based upon the rate of pay applicable to his employment and shall include increases in rates of pay not in fact paid but which were provided for in national railroad labor agreements generally applicable during the period involved. (3) If a protected employee who is entitled to a monthly displacement allowance served as an agent or a representative of a chiss or craft of employees on either a full- or part-time basis in the 12 months immediately preceding his being adversely affected, his monthly displacement allowance shall be computed by taking the average of the average monthly compensation and average monthly time paid for oi the protected employees immediately above and below him on the same seniority roster or his own monthly displacement allowance, whichever is greater. (4) An employee and his representative shall be furnished with a protected employee's average monthly compensation and average monthly time paid for, computed in accordance with the terms of this subsection, together with the data upon which such computations are based, within 30 days after the protected employee notifies the Corporation in writing that he has been deprived of employment or adversely affected with respect to his compensation. (c) DURATION OF DISPLACEMENT ALLOWANCE.—The monthly displacement allowance provided for in subsection (b) of this section shall continue until the attainment of age 65 by a protected employee with 5 or more years of service on the effective date of this Act and, in the case of a protected euiployee who has less than 5 years service on such date, shall continue for a period equal to his total prior years of service: Provided, That sueli monthly displacement allowance shall termi-
