Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/1076

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[87 STAT. 1044]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 1044]


Civilian clothing.

Defense contractors' advertising c o s t s, restrictions.

New f a c i l i t i e s, restriction.

Transfer of funds.

Notice to Congre s s. Contract payments in foreign countries.

Forces in Vietnam and Laos, support.

PUBLIC LAW 93-238-JAN. 2, 1974



small busine.sses to the fullest extent found pi-aeticable: Provided, That the Secretary of Defense shall specify in such pro(.'urement, perforniance characteristics for aircraft to be used based upon modern aircraft opeiated by the CIA^I air fleet. SEC. 782. I)urin|»; the current fiscal year, appropriations available to the Department of Defense for operation may be used for civilian clothing, not to exceed $40 in cost for enlisted personnel: (1) discharoed for misconduct, unfitness, unsuitability, or otherwise than honorably; (2) sentenced by a civil court to confinement in a civil prison or interned or discharged as an alien enemy; (3) discharged prior to completion of recruit training under honorable conditions for dependency, hardship, minority, disability, or for the convenience of the Government. SEC. 733. No part of the funds appropriated herein shall be available for paying the costs of advertising by any defense contractor, except advertising for which payment is made from profits, and such advertising shall not be considered a part of any defense contract cost. The prohibition contained in this section shall not apply with respect to advertising conducted by any such contractor, in compliance with regulations which shall be promulgated by the Secretary of Defense, solely for (1) the recruitment by the contractor of personnel required for the performance by the contractor of obligations under a defense contract, (2) the procurement of scarce items required by the contractor for the performance of a defense contract, or (3) the disposal of scrap or surplus materials acquired by the contractor in the performance of a defense contract. SEC. 734. Funds appropriated in this Act for maintenance and repair of facilities and installations shall not be available for acquisition of iieM^ facilities, or alteration, expansion, extension, or addition of existing facilities, as defined in Department of Defense Directive 7040.2, dated January 18, 1961, in excess of %m,000\ Provided, That the Secretary of Defense may amend or change the said directive during the current fiscal year, consistent with the purr)ose of this section. SE(I. 735. During the current fiscal year upon determination by the Secretary of Defense that such action is necessary in the national inteiest, he may, with the approval of the Office of ]Management and Budget, transfer not to exceed $625,000,000 of the appropriations of funds available to the Department of Defense for military functions (except military construction) between such appropriations or funds or any subdivision thereof, to be merged with and to be available for the same purposes, and for the same time period, as the appropriation or fund to which transferred: Provided, That such authority to transfer may not be used unless for higher priority items, based on unforeseen military requirements, then those for which originally appropriated, and in no case where the item for which funds are requested has been denied by Congress: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense shall notify the Congress promptly of all transfers made pursuant to this authority. SEC. 736. Xone of the funds appropriated in this Act may be used to make payments under contracts for any program, project, or activity in a foreign country unless the Secretary of Defense or his designee, after consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury or his designee, certifies to the Congress that the use, by purchase from the Treasury, of currencies of such country acquired "pursuant to law is not feasible foi" the purpose, stating the reason therefor. SKC. 737. (a) Xot to exceed $1,126,000,000 of \\\^. appropriations available to the Department of Defense during the current fiscal year shall be available for their stated purposes to s>ipport (1) Vietnamese