Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/1226

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[87 STAT. 1194]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 1194]


PROCLAMATION 4210-APR. 18, 1973

[87 STAT.

in the business in District I of selling residual fuel oil to be used as fuel and who have had inputs of that product to deepwater terminals located in District I, and (ii) among persons who are in the business in District I of selling residual fuel oil to be used as fuel and have throughput agreements (warehouse agreements) with deepwater terminal operators. With respect to the allocation of imports of residual fuel oil to be used as fuel into District I, Districts II - IV, District V, and Puerto Rico, such regulations shall also provide, to the extent possible, for the granting of allocations of imports of residual fuel oil to be used as fuel in accordance with procedures established pursuant to section 5 of this proclamation. (c) Such regulations may provide for the revocation or suspension by the Secretary of any allocation or license on grounds relating to the national security, or the violation of the terms of this proclamation, or of any regulation, allocation, or license issued pursuant to this proclamation. (d) For the balance of the calendar year 1973, notwithstanding the levels established in section 2 of this proclamation and the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section, the Secretary may provide by regulation for additional allocations of imports in respect of which license fees are not applicable of crude oil and unfinished oils to persons in District I - IV, and District V who manufacture in the United States residual fuel oil to be used as fuel, the maximum sulphur content of which is acceptable to the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. These allocations to each of such persons shall not exceed the amount of such residual fuel oil manufactured by that person."




"SEC. 5(a) The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to provide for the establishment and operation of an Appeals Board to consider petitions by persons affected by the regulations issued pursuant to this proclamation. The Appeals Board shall be comprised of a representative each from the Departments of the Interior, Justice, and Commerce to be designated respectively by the heads of such Departments. (b) The Appeals Board may be empowered, subject to the general direction of the Chairman of the Oil Policy Committee, (1) within the limits of the maximum levels of imports established in this proclamation, to modify on the grounds of error any allocation made to any person under such regulations; (2) without regard to the limits of the maximum levels of imports established in this proclamation, (i) to modify, on the grounds of exceptional hardship, any allocation with respect to which license fees are not applicable made to any person under such regulations; (ii) to grant allocations of imports to which license fees will not be applicable of crude oil and unfinished oils in special circumstances to persons with importing histories who do not qualify for allocations under such regulations; and (iii) to grant allocations of imports, to which license fees shall not be applicable, of finished products on the grounds of exceptional hardship; and to assure that adequate supplies of crude