Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/1407

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[87 STAT. C41]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. C41]



House of Representatives—Continued ^^^'^ H o u s e of Representative s — C o n t i n u e d ^^^^ I n t e r s t a t e and Foreign Commerce, Speaker of the House—Continued Committee on—Continued Reports to—Continued Reports to—Continued Military departments, contract Railroad labor-management repreawards 681 sentatives, retirement system NASAreorganization 165 Disposal of excess land 175 United States Railway Association, Use of funds 172, 174 t r a n s m i t t a l of final system p l a n National Academy of Sciences, to 999 veterans health personnel and Joint Economic Committee, filing of resource requirements, r e v i e w. 188 the President's Economic Report. 3, 6, 984 National Science Foundation, t r a n s Judiciary, Committee on the, report by fer of funds 316 American Revolution Bicentennial President of the United States — Board, s t u d y 703 Defense article transfers to foreign countries 729 Majority Leader, appointment b}^. DeForeign assistance program 719, fense Manpower Commission, 721, 724 member 609 International narcotics control, Mills, William O., deceased, payment programing and obligation to widow 533 of funds 719 Minority Leader, appointment by. United States Armed Forces, inDefense M a n p o w e r Commission, troduction into hostilities-556 member 609 Small Business Administration, Reports to— s t a t e of small business, annual - 1025 American Revolution Bicentennial Board, s t u d y 703 Storage space, procurement authorization 704 Committee on Armed Services, milit a r y c o m m i t m e n t and situation Veterans Affairs, Committee on, report in Europe, s t u d y 607 by Veterans Administration, health Saylor, J o h n P., deceased, payment to personnel and resource requirements 188 widow 1078 Ways and Means, Committee on, report by Department of Health, EducaScience and Astronautics, Committee tion, and Welfare, payments for on, reports to — professional services in teaching NASA, use of funds 172, 174 hospitals, s t u d y 966 National Science Foundation, transfer of funds 316 Housing Act, National. See National Housing Act. Speaker of the House— Housing Act of 1937, United States: Appointments by, American RevoluAmendment, low-rent housing protion Bicentennial Board, memgram, increased funds 422 bers 702 Appropriation for effecting provisions.491 Council of the District of Columbia, Housing Act of 1949: t r a n s m i t t a l of certain acts to; Amendments— effective date 814,836 R u r a l housing authorizations, exFederal Council on the Arts and the tension 423 Humanities, designation of m e m Urban renewal program, grants 422 ber 464 Appropriation for effecting provisions-- 4 7 9 Reports to — 481, 492 Ambassador and minister n o m Urban renewal projects, applications in inees, campaign c o n t r i b u t i o n s. 452 areas affected by Department of Architect of the Capitol, sound and Defense base closings, priority 423 light performance system for the National Capitol, s t u d y __ 943 Housing Act of 1950, appropriation for effecting provisions 49 L Interior, Department of the, fiscal Housing Act of 1954: condition of the government Amendment, comprehensive planning of the T r u s t Territory of the program, extension 423 Pacific Islands 355 Appropriation for effecting provisions. 481, Joint S t u d y Committee on Budget , 492 Control, s t u d y 1120