Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/1425

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[87 STAT. C59]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. C59]

SUBJECT INDEX Packers and Stockyards Administration, ^ ^ ^ appropriation for _ 475 Pakistan, disaster relief assistance, appropriation for 1055 Pan American Day and Pan American Week, proclamation 1182 Panama, Republic of, appropriation for payment to _ _ 640 Panama Canal. See Canal Zone. Panama Canal Company, appropriation for 339 Par Value Modification Act: Amendment, new par value of the dollar 352 International financial institutions, special payments, appropriation for... _ 510 Park Service, National: Appropriation for 104, 124, 437, 1074 Cumberland Gap National Historical Park, relocation of highway in, availability of funds 278 John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, maintenance, security, etc., additional funds... 161 "Parole Systems, Corrections, Federal and State", hearings on, printing of additional copies 1123 Passamaquoddy Indians, Maine, comprehensive manpower programs 858 Passports, execution of applications by the Postal Service, time extension 453 Patent Appeals, United States Court of Customs and, appropriation for 651 Patent Office, appropriation for 648 Peace Corps, appropriation for 1054 Peace Corps Act: Amendment, funds for program, authorization; procurement procedures 99 Appropriation for effecting provisions. _ 1054 Pecan Production Research Station, Louisiana State University, land conveyance to State of Louisiana 660 Pedestrian Walkways, Bicycle Transportation and, construction and safety study 262, 289, 294 Penn Central Transportation Company, labor-management dispute, temporary prohibition 5 Pennsylvania: James G. Fulton Flood Protection Project, designation 946 Pittsburgh, Roberto Walker Clemente commemorative medals... 71 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, appropriation for 105, 447, 1076 Penobscot Indians, Maine, comprehensive manpower programs 858


People's Republic of China:

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Liaison Office, B.C., diplomatic privileges and immunities, extension.. 24 Liaison office in, authorization for establishment -. 451 "Persian Gulf, U.S. Interests In And Policy Toward the", hearings on, printing of additional copies 1129 Pesticide Control Act of 1972, Federal Environmental, technical amendment.. 903 Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973, Emergency 627 Petroleum and Petroleum Products: Department of Defense, consumption reduction by, congressional recommendation 619 Mandatory allocation program 629 Modification of importation, proclamation 1144, 1150, 1178, 1187, 1221 Price establishment, Cost of Living Council program, restriction on funds for 449 Southeast Asia, denial of funds for export to non-United States nationals 1046, 1057 Use priorities and allocation, Presidential authority 27 Philippines, Republic of the: Veterans Administration— Hospitalization, appropriation for 499 Medical and hospital care, extension of grants-in-aid 184-186 Regional offices, time extension 196 Physicians, Dentists, Nurses, Etc., Veterans Administration, compensation rates, increase 188 Pianos, modification of trade agreement concession; adjustment of duty, proclamation 1165 Pipeline Safety, Office of, safety study of natural gas pipeline distribution systems, allocation of funds 329 Plant Health Inspection Service, Animal and, appropriation for 100, 471 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Saigon, Center for, availability of funds for 729 Poison Act, Federal Caustic, appropriation for effecting provisions 487 Poison Prevention Week, National, 1973, proclamation — 1166 Poisoning Advisory Board, National Childhood Lead Based Paint, establishment 568 Poisoning Prevention Act, Lead-Based Paint. See Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act. Police: Capitol police, appropriation for 538 Library of Congress special police, salary increase 693