Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/259

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[87 STAT. 227]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 227]

87 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-86-AUG. 10, 1973


Secretary may, nevertheless, make such loans, purchases, and payments in such amounts as he determines to be equitable in relation to the seriousness of the default. " '(g) The Secretary is authorized to issue such regulations as he Regulations. determines necessary to carry out the provisions of this title. " ' (i) The Secretary shall carry out the program authorized by this section through the Commodity Credit Corporation.' 1364. " (D) Section 379c of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, 84uStat. 1379c. 7 se effective only with respect to the 1974 through 1977 crops of wheat is amended to read as follows: Farm acreage " 'SEC. 379c. (a)(1) The farm acreage allotment for each crop of allotment. wheat shall be determined as provided in this section. The Secretary shall proclaim the national acreage allotment not later than April 15 of each calendar year for the crop harvested in the next succeeding calendar year. Such national allotment shall be the number of acres he determines on the basis of the estimated national average yield for the crop for which the determination is being made will produce the quantity (less imports) that he estimates will be utilized domestically and for export during the marketing year for such crop. If the Secretary determines that carryover stocks are excessive or an increase in stocks is needed to assure a desirable carryover, he may adjust the allotment by the amount he determines will accomplish the desired decrease or increase in carryover stocks. The national acreage allotment for any crop of wheat shall be apportioned by the Secretary among the States on the basis of the apportionment to each State of the national acreage allotment for the preceding crop (1973 national domestic allotment in the case of apportionment of the 1974 national acreage allotment) adjusted to the extent deemed necessary by the Secretary to establish a fair and equitable apportionment base for each State, taking into consideration established crop rotation practices, the estimated decrease in farm acreage allotments, and other relevant factors. " '(2) The State acreage allotment for wheat, less a reserve of not County apporto exceed 1 per centum thereof for apportionment as provided in this subsection, shall be apportioned by the Secretary among the counties in the State, on the basis of the apportionment to each such county of the wheat allotment for the preceding crop, adjusted to the extent deemed necessary by the Secretary in order to establish a fair and »:iuitable apportionment base for each county taking into consideration established crop-rotation practices, the estimated decrease in farm allotments, and other relevant factors. Factors deter" '(3) The farm allotment for each crop of wheat shall be deter- mining allotment. mined by apportioning the county wheat allotment among farms in the county which had a wheat allotment for the preceding crop on the basis of such allotment, adjusted to reflect established crop-rotation practices and such other factors as the Secretary determines should be considered for the purpose of establishing a fair and equitable allotment. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection, the farm allotment shall be adjusted downward to the extent required by subsection (b). " ' (4) Not to exceed 1 per centum of the State allotment for any crop may be apportioned to farms for which there was no allotment for the preceding crop on the basis of the following factors: suitability of the land for production of wheat, the past experience of the farm operator in the production of wheat, the extent to which the farm operator is dependent on income from farming for his livelihood, the production of wheat on other farms owned, operated, or controlled by the farm operator, and such other factors as the Secretary determines should be considered for the purpose of establishing fair and equitable farm allotments. No part of such reserve shall he apportioned to a farm to