Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/306

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[87 STAT. 274]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 274]

PUBLIC LAW 93-87-AUG. 13, 1973





72 Stat. 888; 76 Stat. 1147.


p. 255.

84 Stat. 1716. 76 Stat. 1148; 84 Stat. 1737. 23 USC 134.



s^c. 147. To eiicourage the development, improvement, and use of public mass transportation systems operating vehicles on highways for transportation of passengers within rural areas, in order to enhance access of rural populations to employment, health care, retail centers, education, and public services, there are authorized to be appropriated $30,000,000 for the two-fiscal-year period ending June 30, 1976, of which $20,000,000 shall be out of the Highway Trust Fund, to the Secretary of Transportation to carry out demonstration projects for public mass transportation on highways in rural areas. Projects eligible for Federal funds under this section shall include highway traffic control devices, the construction of passenger loading areas and facilities, including shelters, fringe and transportation corridor parking facilities to serve bus and other public mass transportation passengers, and the purchase of passenger equipment other than rolling stock for fixed rail. FEDERAL-AID

72 Stat. 887.


[87 STAT.



SEC. 148. (a) Section 103(b) of title 23, United States Code, is renumbered as section 103(b)(1) and a new section 103(b)(2) is added to read as follows: "(2) After June 30, 1976, the Federal-aid primary system shall consist of an adequate system of connected main roads important to interstate, statewide, and regional travel, consisting of rural arterial routes and their extensions into or through urban areas. The Federalaid primary system shall be designated by each State acting through its State highway department and where appropriate, shall be in accordance with the planning process pursuant to section 134 of this title, subject to the approval of the Secretary as provided by subsecion (f) of this section." (b) Section 103(c) of title 23, United States Code, is renumbered as section 103(c)(1) and a new subsection 103(c)(2) is added to read as follows: "(2) After June 30, 1976, the Federal-aid secondary system shall consist of rural major collector routes. The Federal-aid secondary system shall be designated by each State through its State highway department and appropriate local officials in cooperation with each other, subject to the approval of the Secretary as provided in subsection (f) of this section." (c) Section 103(d) of title 23, United States Code, is renumbered as section 103(d)(1) and a new subsection 103(d)(2) is added to read as follows: "(2) After June 30, 1976, the Federal-aid urban system shall be located in each urbanized area and such other urban areas as the State highway departments may designate and shall consist of arterial routes and collector routes, exclusive of urban extensions of the Federal-aid primary system. The routes on the Federal-aid urban system shall be designated by appropriate local officials, with the concurrence of the State highway departments, subject to the approval of the Secretary as provided in subsection (f) of this section, and in the case of urbanized areas shall also be in accordance with the planning process required pursuant to the provisions of section 134 of this title." (d) Federal-aid systems realignment shall be based upon anticipated functional usage in the year 1980 or a planned connected system. (e) In addition to the foregoing amendments, the second sentence of section 103(c)(1) of title 23, United States Code, is amended to insert, after the words "local rural roads," the phrase, "access roads to airports,".