Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/377

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[87 STAT. 345]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 345]



PUBLIC LAW 93-100-AUG. 16, 1973

the time the certificate is issued by the Corporation under section 403, and thereafter annually, except that under regulations prescribed by the Corporation such premium may be paid semiannually. "(2) If, at the close of any December 31, the primary reserve equals or exceeds 2 per centum of the total amount of all accounts of insured members of all insured institutions as of such close, no premium under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be payable by any insured institution with respect to its premium year beginning during the year commencing on May 1 next succeeding such December 31, except that the foregoing provisions of this sentence shall not be applicable to any insured institution with respect to any of the twenty premium years beginning with the premium year commencing with the date on which such certificate is issued. "(c) The Corporation is further authorized to assess against each insured institution additional premiums for insurance until the amount of such premiums equals the amount of all losses and expenses of the Corporation; except that the total amount so assessed in any one year against any such institution shall not exceed one-eighth of 1 per centum of the total amount of the accounts of its insured members. " (d)(1) The Corporation shall not, on or after the date of enactment of this sentence, accept or receive further payments in the nature of prepayments of future premiums as was formerly required by this subsection (including any such payments which have accrued or are payable under such former provisions). When no insured institution has any pro rata share of the secondary reserve, other than any such share immediately payable to it, the Corporation may take such steps as it may deem appropriate to close out and discontinue the secondary reserve. "(2) The Corporation may provide for the adjustment of payments made under former provisions of this subsection or made or to be made under subsections (b) and (c) of this section in cases of merger or consolidation, transfer of bulk assets or assumption of liabilities, and similar transactions, as defined by the Corporation for the purposes of this paragraph. "(e) The Corporation shall credit to the secondary reserve, as of the close of each calendar year a return on the outstanding balances of the secondary reserve, during such calendar year, as determined by the Corporation, at a rate equal to the average annual rate of return to the Corporation during the year ending at the close of November 30 of such calendar year, as determined by the Corporation, on the investments held by the Corporation in obligations of, or guaranteed as to principal and interest by, the United States. Except as provided in subsections (f) and (g), the secondary reserve shall be available to the Corporation only for losses of the Corporation and shall be so available only to such extent as other accounts of the Corporation which are available therefor are insufficient for such losses. No right, title, or interest of any institution in or with respect to its pro rata share of the secondary reserve shall be assignable or transferable whether by operation of law or otherwise, except to such extent as the Corporation may provide for transfer of such pro rata share in cases of merger or consolidation, transfer of bulk assets or assumption of liabilities, and similar transactions, as defined by the Corporation for purposes of this sentence. " (f) If (i) the status of an insured institution as an insured institution is terminated pursuant to any provision of section 407 or the insurance of accounts of an insured institution is otherwise terminated, (ii) a conservator, receiver, or other legal custodian is appointed for



Prepayments, prohibition.

Payment adjustments.