Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/396

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[87 STAT. 364]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 364]


PUBLIC LAW 93-112~SEPT. 26, 1973

[87 STAT.

a local agency) and a separate State agency may be designated as the sole State agency with respect to the rest of the State plan, and (ii) the Secretary, upon the request of a State, may authorize such agency to share funding and administrative responsibility with another agency of the State or with a local agency in order to permit such agencies to carry out a joint program to provide Waiver authority, services to handicapped individuals, and may waive compliance with respect to vocational rehabilitation services furnished under such programs with the requirement of clause (4) of this subsection that the plan be in effect in all political subdivisions of that State; (B) provide that the State agency so designated to administer or supervise the administration of the State plan, or (if there are two State agencies designated under subclause (A) of this clause) to supervise or administer the part of the State plan that does not relate to services for the blind, shall be (i) a State agency primarily concerned with vocational rehabilitation, or vocational and other rehabilitation, of handicapped individuals, (ii) the State agency administering or supervising the administration of education or vocational education in the State, or (iii) a State agency which includes at least two other major organizational units each of which administers one or more of the major public education, public health, public welfare, or labor programs of the State; (2) provide, except in the case of agencies described in clause (l)(B)(i)^. State rehabili' (A) that the State agency designated pursuant to paratation bureau, director, staff. graph (1) (or each State agency if two are so designated) shall include a vocational rehabilitation bureau, division, or other organizational unit which (i) is primarily concerned with vocational rehabilitation, or vocational and other rehabilitation, of handicapped individuals, and is responsible for the vocational rehabilitation program of such State agency, (ii) has a full-time director, and (iii) has a staff employed on such rehabilitation work of such organizational unit all or substantially all of whom are employed full time on such work; and (B)(i) that such unit shall be located at an organizational level and shall have an organizational status within such State agency comparable to that of other major organizational units of such agency, or (ii) in the case of an agency described in clause (1)(B) (ii), either that such unit shall be so located and have such status, or that the director of such unit shall be the executive officer of such State agency; except that, in the case of a State which has designated only one State agency pursuant to clause (1) of this subsection, such State may, if it so desires, assign responsibility for the part of the plan under which vocational rehabilitation services are provided for the blind to one organizational unit of such agency, and assign responsibility for the rest of the plan to another organizational unit of such agency, with the provisions of this clause applying separately to each of such units; State financial (3) provide for financial participation by the State, or if the participation. State so elects, by the State and local agencies to meet the amount of the non-Federal share; Political sub(4) provide that the plan shall be in effect in all political subd i v i s i o n s, participation, waiver. divisions, except that in the case of any activity which, in the judgment of the Secretary, is likely to assist in promoting the vocational rehabilitation of substantially larger numbers of handi-