Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/41

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PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973



PUBLIC LAW 93-13-MAR. 30, 1973

upon all the people of the United States to observe such week w i t h a p p r o p r i a t e ceremonies, activities, and program s designed to decrease employment discrimination in employment because of age. Approved March 15, 1973.

P u b l i c Law 9 3 - 1 1 AN ACT To amend the joint resolution estal)li)>hing the American Revolution Bicentennial Commission, as amended. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled.^ That section 7(a) of the joint resolution to establish the America n R e v o l u t i o n Bicent e n n i a l Commission, and for other purjioses, a p p r o v e d July 4, 1966 (80 Stat. 2 6 1), as amended, is f u r the r amended by striking " u n t i l February 15, 1973 " and inserting in lieu thereof "between February 16, 1973, and June 30, 1973". A p p r o v e d March 15, 1973.

March 15, 1973 [H. R. 3694]

American Revolution Bicentennial Commission. Appropriation authorization. 86 Stat. 1070.

P u b l i c Law 93-12 AN ACT To promote the separation of constitutional powers by suspending the effectiveness of the Rules of Evidence for United States Courts and Magistrates, the Amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and the Amendments to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure transmitted to the Congress by the Chief Justice on February 5, 1973, until approved by Act of Congress. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the Rules of E v i d e n c e for United States C o u r t s and M a g i s t r a t e s, the Amendments to the Federal R u l e s of Civil P r o c e d u r e, and the Amendments to the Federal R u l e s of C r i m i n a l P r o c e d u r e, which a r e embraced by the o r d e r s entered by the S u p r e m e C o u r t of the United States on M o n d a y, November 20, 1972, and M o n d a y, December 18, 1972, shall h a v e no force o r effect except to the extent, and w i t h such amendments, as the y may be expressly a p p r o v e d by Act of Congress.

March 30, 1973 [S. 583]

Federal courts. ofJv^°enct,"'e^f-^ fectiveness! ^ '^""^ai^^ecu'iri. menU^

A p p r o v e d March 30, 1973.

P u b l i c Law 9 3 - 1 3 AN ACT To jimeiid the Nationjil School Lunch Act to assure that Federal tinancial assistance to the child nutrition programs is maintained at the level budgeted for fiscal year ending.June 30. 1J)73. Be it enacted by the Senate aud House of Representatives liiited Sfdfex of America in Congress assembled.


March 30, 1973 [H. R. 4278]


(•()NORKSSl()XAL F l XDl X(iS

SECTION 1. The Congress finds that the volume and variety of Federal food d o n a t i o n s to the school lunch and child n u t r i t i o n program s are signiticantly below the a m o u n t s program e d and b u d g e t e d I'or the fiscal year e n d i n g June 30. 1973. and that schools part i c i p a t i n g in these program s are confronted with serious financial p r o b l e m s in

Child nutrition programs. Federal assistance, fiscal 1973.