Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/73

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PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973

87 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 9?.-29-MAY 3, 1973

" (E) where possible, enter into arrangements with organizations providing day care services for children so as to provide opportunities for older persons to aid or assist, on a voluntary basis, in the delivery of such services to children; and " (F) establish an advisory council, consisting of representatives of the target population and the general public, to advise the area agency on all matters relating to the administration of the plan and operations conducted thereunder. "STATE PLANS

"SEC. 305. (a) I n order for a State to be eligible for grants for a fiscal year from its allotments under section 303 and section 306, except as provided in section 307(a), it shall submit to the Commissioner a State plan for such year which meets such criteria as the Commissioner may prescribe by regulation and which— "(1) provides that the State agency will evaluate the need for social services within the State and determine the extent to which existing public or private progiams meet such need; "(2) provides for the use of such methods of administration (including methods relating to the establishment and maintenance of personnel standards on a merit basis, except that the Commissioner shall exercise no authority with respect to the selection, tenure of office, or compensation of an individual employed in accordance wuth such methods) as are necessary for the proper and efficient administration of the plan; "(3) provides that the State agency will make such reports, in such form, and containing such information, as the Commissioner may from time to time require, and comply with such requirements as the Commissioner may impose to assure the correctness of such reports; "(4) provides that the State agency will conduct periodic evaluations of activities and projects carried out under the State plan; "(5) establishes objectives, consistent with the purposes of this title, toward which activities under the plan will be directed, identifies obstacles to the attainment of those objectives, and indicates how it proposes to overcome those obstacles; "(6) provides that each area agency on aging designated pursuant to section 3 0 4 (a)(2)(A) will develop and submit to the State agency for approval an area plan which complies with section 304(c); "(7) provides for establishing or maintaining information and referral sources in sufficient numbers to assure that all older persons in the State who are not furnished adequate information and referral sources under section 304(c)(3) will have reasonably convenient access to such sources; "(8) provides that no social service will be directly provided by the State agency or an area agency on aging, except where, in the judgment of the State agency, provision of such service by the State agency or an aiea agency on aging is necessary to assure an adequate supply of such service; and " (9) provides that subject to the requirements of merit employment systems of State and local governments, preference shall be given to persons aged sixty or over for any staff positions (full time or part time) in State and area agencies for which such persons qualify.