Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/865

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[87 STAT. 833]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 833]

87 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-198-DEC. 24, 1973


(3) Subsections (h), (i), (j), and (k) of section 8 of such Act (D.C. Code, sec. 1-1108) are amended to read as follows: ^ ss^stf rV/o*^' " (h)(1)(A) The Delegate, Mayor, Chairman of the District Coun- Ante^p. 312', 313. oil and the four at-large members of the Council shall be elected by jj^limln* o'f'^he° the registered qualified electors of the District of Columbia in a gen- Dirtri'^t'councu eral election. Each candidate for the office of Delegate, Mayor, Chair- and at-iarge memman of the District Council, and at-large members of the Council in ^^"' election,, any general election shall, except as otherwise provided in subsection (j) of this section and section 10(d), have been elected by the regis- g^l^ll^*^^^°^' tered qualified electors of the District as such candidate by the next D.c.'code' preceding primary election. 1-1110. " (B)(i) A member of the office of Council (other than the Chairman and any member elected at large) shall be elected in a general election by the registered qualified electors of the respective ward of the District from which the individual seeking such office was elected as a candidate for such office as provided in clause (ii) of this paragraph. "(ii) Each candidate for the office of member of the Council (other than Chairman and at-large members) shall, except as otherwise provided in subsection (j) of this section and section 10(d), have been elected as such a candidate, by the registered qualified electors of the ward of the District from which such individual was nominated, at the next preceding primary election to fill such office within that ward. "(2) The nomination and election of any individual to the office of Delegate, Mayor, Chairman of the Council and member of the Council shall be governed by the provisions of this Act. No political party Restrictions. shall be qualified to hold a primary election to select candidates for election to any such office in a general election unless, in the next preceding election year, at least seven thousand five hundred votes were cast in the general election for a candidate of such party for any such office or for its candidates for electors of President and Vice President. " (i)(1) Each individual in a primary election for candidate for the „Jj'°t"^^°" office of Delegate, Mayor, Chairman of the Council, or at-large mem- petition. ber of the Council shall be nominated for any such office by a petition (A) filed with the Board not later than sixty days before the date of such primary election, and (B) signed by at least two thousand registered qualified electors of the same political party as the nominee, or by 1 per centum of the duly registered members of such political party, whichever is less, as shown by the records of the Board of Elections as of the one hundred fourteenth day before the date of such election. "(2) Each individual in a primary election for candidate for the office of member of the Council (other than the Chairman and at-large members) shall be nominated for such office by a petition (A) filed with the Board not later than sixty days before the date of such primary election, and (B) signed by at least two hundred and fifty persons in the ward from which such individual seeks election who are 700; duly registered in such ward under section 7 of this Act, and who are _ 69 Stat.^^ 7 9 5. _^^^ 790, 85 Stat. of the same political party as the nominee. ""D"C.'co'de' "(3) A nominating petition for a candidate in a primary election ^-^o^. for any such office may not be circulated for signature before the one lation^. ^°"' "^'^' hundred fourteenth day preceding the date of such election and may not be filed with the Board before the eighty-fifth day preceding such date. The Board may prescribe rules with respect to the preparation and presentation of nominating petitions. The Board shall arrange the ballot of each political party in each such primary election as to enable a voter of such party to vote for nominated candidates of that party. "(j)(1) A duly qualified candidate for the office of Delegate, Mayor, Chairman of the Council, or member of the Council may, subject to

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