Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/901

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[87 STAT. 869]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 869]

87 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-203-DEC. 28, 1973


betterment, with adequate advance consultation with business, labor, professional, and other interested community groups and organizations; (0) arranging recreational, athletic, or similar events in which enrollees and local residents may participate together; (6) providing community residents with opportunities to work with enrollees directly, as part-time instructors, tutors, or advisers, either in the center or in the community; (7) developing, where feasible, job or career opportunities for eni"ollees in the community; and (8) promoting interchanges of information and techniques among, and cooperative projects involving, the center and community schools, educational institutions, and agencies serving young people. COFXSEIJXO



(a) The Secretary shall provide for the counseling and resting of each enrollee at regular intervals to follow his progress in educational and vocational programs, (b) The Secretary shall counsel and test each enrollee prior to his scheduled termination to determine his capabilities and shall place him in a job in the vocation for which he is trained and in which he is likely to succeed, or shall assist him in attaining further training or education. In placing enrollees in jobs, the Secretary shall utilize the United States Employment Service to the fullest extent possible. (c) The Secretary of Labor shall make arrangements to determine the status and progress of terminees and to assure that their need for fuither education, training, and counseling are met. (d) Upon termination of an enrollee's training, a copy of his pertinent records, including data derived from his counseling and testing, other than confidential information, shall be made available immediately to the Department of Labor and the Office of Economic Opportunity. (ej The Secretary shall, to the extent feasible in accordance with section ()87(b) of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, arrange for the readjustment allowance provided for in section 409(c) of this Act, less any sums already paid pursuant to subsection (d) of that section, to l>e paid to former enrollees (who have not already found employment) at the public employment service office nearest the home of any any such former enrollee if he is returning to his home, or at the nearest such office to the community in which the former enrollee has indicated an intent to reside. The Secretary shall make arrangements by which public employment service officers wll maintain records regarding former enrollees who are thus paid at such offices including information as to— (1) the number of former enrollees who have declined the offices* help in tinding a job; (2) the number who were successfully placed in jobs without further education or training; (3) the number who were found to require further training before being placed in jobs and the types of training programs in which they participated; and (4) the number who were found to require further remedial or basic education in order to qualify for training programs, together with information as to the types of programs for which such former enrollees were found unqualified for enrollment. If the Secretary deems it advisable to utilize the services of any other public or private organization or agency in lieu of the public employment office, lie shall arrange for that organization or agency to make SEC.


Training records, Labor Department and OEO. aifo^^a'tlce!"'^"' si Stat. 720. 42 USC 2979.
