Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/1295

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[88 STAT. 1251]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 1251]



PUBLIC LAW 93-438-OCT. 11, 1974


made available in connection with functions transferred by this Act, as he may deem necessary or appropriate to accomplish the intent and purpose of this Act. DEFINITIONS

SEC. 304. As used in this Act— (1) any reference to "function" or "functions" shall be deemed to include references to duty, obligation, power, authority, responsibility, right, privilege, and activity, or the plural thereof, as the case may be; and (2) any reference to "perform" or "performance", when used in relation to functions, shall be deemed to include the exercise of power, authority, rights, and privileges.

^2 USC 5874.


SEC. 305. (a) Except as otherwise provided by law, appropriations made under this Act shall be subject to annual authorization. (b) Authorization of appropriations to the Commission shall reflect the need for effective licensing and other regulation of the nuclear power industry in relation to the growth of such industry.

42 USC 5875.


SEC. 30(). (a) Section 166. "Comptroller General Audit" of the ^^ use 5876. Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, shall be deemed to be ap- "^ ^^^ ^^°^^ plicable, respectively, to the nuclear and nonnuclear activities under title 1 and to the activities under title II. ^2^2!^' ^^" ^" (b) The Comptroller General of the United States shall audit, review, and evaluate the implementation of the provisions of title II of this Act by the Nuclear Safety and Licensing Commission not later than sixty months after the effective date of this Act, the Comptroller General shall prepare and submit to the Congress a Report to roport on his audit, which shall contain, but not be limited to— Congress. (1) an evaluation of the effectiveness of the licensing and related regulatory activities of the Commission and the operations of the Office of Nuclear Safety Kesearch and the Bureau of Nuclear Materials Security; (2) an evaluation of the effect of such Commission activities on the efficiency, effectiveness, and safety with which the activities licensed under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, are n o42. u s e 2011 te carried out; (3) recommendations concerning any legislation he deems necessary, and the reasons therefor, for improving the implementation of title II. REPORTS

SEC. 307. (a) The Administrator shall, as soon as practicable after the end of each fiscal year, make a report to the President for submission to the Congress on the activities of the Administration during the preceding fiscal year. Such report shall include a statement of the short-range and long-range goals, priorities, and plans of the Administration together with an assessment of the progress made toward the attainment of those objectives and toward the more effective and efficient management of the Administration and the coordination of its functions. (b) During the first year of operation of the Administration, the Administrator, in collaboration with the Secretary of Defense, shall conduct a thorough review of the desirability and feasibility of trans-

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Feasibility oi trry^^ppYkrltTon' functions.