Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/1438

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[88 STAT. C32]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. C32]



Education—Continued Pase Fire Training and Education, Committee on, establishment 1539 Gifted and talented children 547 I m p a c t area programs, extension 521 I n t e r s t a t e Agreement on Qualification of Educational Personnel, The, authorization of D.C. to enter 1612 Legal education fellowship program 296 Legal professions, training assistance 605 Mathematics, special projects for teaching 588 Metric system of measurement, education for use 546 Migratory fishermen, education of children, grants 492 National Academy for Fire Prevention and Control, establishment 1537 National reading improvement programs 588 Private school children, special education services 497, 541 Special Projects Act, new title for the Cooperative Research Act 544 Studies and surveys 599 Teachers— Adult education, training 577 Bilingual education, training 508 Indian education, special training programs 586 Teacher Corps, extension of program. 605 Training grants 508, 511, 544, 547, 549, 550, 554, 556, 584, 586, 588, 594, 595, 605, 608 Veterans— Allowance increase 1579, 1958 Assistance, time extension 176 Loan program 1589 Programs, ten-year delimiting period. 292 White House Conference on Education. 597 Women's educational equity 554 Education, National Advisory Council for Adult, reports to by State advisory councils, recommendations 578 Education, National Advisory Council for Career, establishment 552 Education, National Advisory Council on Bilingual, establishment 510 Education, National Advisory Council on Vocational: Authority to accept gifts and transfer funds 1849 Career Education, National Advisory Council for, member 552 Education, National Institute of. See National Institute of Education. Education, Office of: Appropriation for___ 201, 203, 220, 1641, 1773 Bilingual Education, Office of, establishment ^ 509 Career Education, National Advisory Council for, member 552 Career Education, Office of— Career Education, National Advisory Council for, member 552 Establishment 551 Child Abuse and Neglect, Advisory Board on, member 7 Community Education Advisory Council, establishment 550 Consumers' Education, Office of, establishment 553 Education Statistics, Advisory Council on, m e m b e r 556

H a r r y S T r u m a n Scholarship F o u n d a - Pa8« tion, ex oflScio m e m b e r 2277 Indian education, appropriation for. 201, 818 Legal education fellowship program 296 Libraries and Learning Resources, Office of, establishment 576 Women's Educational Programs, Advisory Council on, establishment.. 555 Education, Office of Bilingual, establishment 509 Education, Office of Career, establishment551 Education, Office of Consumers', establishment 553 Education, Office of the Assistant Secretary for, appropriation for 220 Education Act, Adult: Amendments— Advisory councils, extension 612 Programs, extension and r e v i s i o n.. 576-579 P u e r to Rico, t r e a t m e n t as a State 611 Appropriation for effecting provisions.. 1775 Education Act, Bilingual, Amendment, extension 503 Education Act, Environmental: Amendments, time extension 121 Appropriation for effecting provisions.. 1641 Education Act, Indian, appropriation for effecting provisions 818 Education Act Amendments of 1974, Alcohol and Drug Abuse 1154 Education Act of 1958, National Defense: Amendment, extension 588 Appropriation for effecting provisions.. 203, 276, 1101, 1642, 1773 Education Act of 1963, Vocational. See Vocational Education Act of 1963. Education Act of 1965, Elementary and Secondary. See Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. Education Act of 1965, Higher. See Higher Education Act of 1965. Education Act of 1970, Drug Abuse, Amendments: Extension 1157 Title r e n a m e d Alcohol and D r u g Abuse Education Act 1154 Education Advisory Council, Community, establishment 550 Education Amendments of 1972, Amendments: Advisory councils, extension 612 Sex discrimination prohibitions, exemption for certain organizations 1862 Technical 562 Education Amendments of 1974 484 Consolidation of certain programs 535 Education administration ... 556 E l e m e n t a r y and secondary education programs, extension and r e v i s i o n.. 576 E q u a l educational opportunities and transportation of s t u d e n t s 514 Federal impact aid programs 521 Miscellaneous provisions 597 National reading improvement program 588 Education Amendments of 1974, Environmental 121 Education and Rehabilitation Equalization Amendments Act of 1974, Veterans' - - 1958 Education and Training of the Handicapped, Bureau of, Deputy Commissioner and assistants, c o m p e n s a t i o n.. 579 Education Assistance Act, Indian 2213

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1362; Part 2 contains p ^ e s 1363-2645.