Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/523

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[88 STAT. 479]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 479]

88 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-378-AUG. 17, 1974


(d) These annual evaluation reports shall set forth progress in implementing the Program required to be prepared by section 3 of this Act, together with accomplishments of the Program as they relate to the objectives of the Assessment. Objectives should be set forth in qualitative and quantitative terms and accomplishments should be reported accordingly. The report shall contain appropriate measurements of pertinent costs and benefits. The evaluation shall assess the balance between economic factors and environmental quality factors. Program benefits shall include, but not be limited to, environmental quality factors such as esthetics, public access, wildlife habitat, recreational and wilderness use, and economic factors such as the excess of cost savings over the value of foregone benefits and the rate of return on renewable resources. (e) The reports shall indicate plans for implementing corrective action and recommendations for new legislation where warranted. (f) The reports shall be structured for Congress in concise summary form with necessary detailed data in appendices. SEC. 8. NATIONAL FOREST SYSTEM PROGRAM ELEMENTS.—The Secre- gndYdmlnl^^tritary of Agriculture shall take such action as will assure that the devel- tion. opment and administration of the renewable resources of the National ^^ ^^^ ^^°^* Forest System are in full accord with the concepts for multiple use and sustained yield of products and services as set forth in the MultipleUse Sustained-Yield Act of 1960. To further these concepts, the Con- ^^^^ "^^ ^^s gress hereby sets the year 2000 as the target year when the renewable resources of the National Forest System shall be in an operating posture whereby all backlogs of needed treatment for their restoration shall be reduced to a current basis and the major portion of planned intensive multiple-use sustained-yield management procedures shall be installed and operating on an environmentally-sound basis. The annual budget shall contain requests for funds for an orderly program to eliminate such backlogs: Provided., That when the Secretary finds that (1) the backlog of areas that will benefit by such treatment has been eliminated, (2) the cost of treating the remainder of such area exceeds the economic and environmental benefits to be secured from their treatment, or (3) the total supplies of the renewable resources of the United States are adequate to meet the future needs of the American people, the budget request for these elements of restoration may be adjusted accordingly. SEC. 9. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM.—The Congress declares that the ^^ "^^ ^^°^installation of a proper system of transportation to service the National Forest System, as is provided for in Public Law 88-657, the Act of October 13, 1964 (16 U.S.C. 532-538), shall be carried forward in time to meet anticipated needs on an economical and environmentally sound basis, and the method chosen for financing the construction and maintenance of the transportation system should be such as to enhance local, regional, and national benefits, except that the financing of forest development roads as authorized by clause (2) of section 4 of the Act of October 13, 1964, shall be deemed "budget authority" and "budget outlays" as those terms are defined in section 3(a) of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 and shall be effective for any fiscal year only in the manner Ante, p. 299. required for new spending authority as specified by section 401(a) of that Act.


^ n f e, p. 317.