Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/731

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[88 STAT. 687]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 687]

88 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-383-AUG. 22, 1974

pertinent plans and studies already made for areas shall be utilized so as to avoid unnecessary repetition of effort and expense." (b) Section 701 of such Act is further amended by striking out all that follows subsection (a) and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "(b) Activities which may be assisted under this section include those necessary (1) to develop and carry out a comprehensive plan as part of an ongoing planning process, (2) to develop and improve the management capability to implement such plan or part thereof or related plans or planning, and (3) to develop a policy-planning-evaluation capacity so that the recipient may more rationally (A) determine its needs, (B) set long-term goals and short-term objectives, (C) devise programs and activities to meet these goals and objectives, and (D) evaluate the progress of such programs in accomplishing those goals and objectives. Activities assisted under this section shall be carried out by professionally competent persons. "(c) Each recipient of assistance under this section shall carry out an ongoing comprehensive planning process which shall make provision for citizen participation pursuant to regulations of the Secretary where major plans, policies, priorities, or objectives are being determined. The process shall involve development and subsequent modifications of a comprehensive plan which shall be reviewed at least biennially for necessary or desirable amendments. Any such plan shall include, as a minimum, each of the following elements: " (1) A housing element which shall take into account all available evidence of the assumptions and statistical bases upon which the projection of zoning, community facilities, and population growth is based, so that the housing needs of both the region and the local communities studied in the planning will be adequately covered in terms of existing and prospective population growth. The development and formulation of State and local goals pursuant to title X VI of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 shall be a part of such a housing element. "(2) A land-use element which shall include (A) studies, criteria, standards, and implementing procedures necessary for effectively guiding and controlling major decisions as to where growth shall take place within the recipient's boundaries, and (B) as a guide for governmental policies and activities, general plans with respect to the pattern and intensity of land use for residential, commercial, industrial, and other activities. Each of the elements set forth above shall specify (i) broad goals and annual objectives (in measurable terms wherever possible), (ii) programs designed to accomplish these objectives, and (iii) procedures, including criteria set forth in advance, for evaluating programs and activities to determine whether they are meeting objectives. Such elements shall be consistent with each other and consistent with stated national growth policy. " (d) After an initial application for assistance under this section has been approved, the Secretary may make grants on an annual basis, if— "(1) the applicant submits to the Secretary annually a description of its work program designed to meet objectives for the next succeeding one-year period and setting forth any changes the applicant intends to undertake to achieve better progress; and "(2) the applicant submits to the Secretary biennally (A) an evaluation of the progress made by it during the previous two years in meeting objectives set forth in its plan, and (B) a description of any changes in the plan's goals or objectives.


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