Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 2.djvu/1002

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[88 STAT. 2318]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 2318]


PUBLIC LAW 93-644-JAN. 4, 1975

[88 STAT.

"(13) preference will be given to low-income or economically disadvantaged residents of the areas served in filling jobs and training opportunities; and " (14) training programs carried out in connection with projects financed under this part shall be designed wherever feasible to provide those persons who successfully complete such training with skills which are also in demand in communities, neighborhoods, or rural areas other than those for which programs are established under this part. "(b) Financial assistance under this section shall not be extended to assist in the relocation of establishments from one location to another if such relocation would result in an increase in unemployment intlie area of original location. "(c) The level of financial assistance for related purposes under this Act, or any other program for Federal financial assistance, to the area served by a special impact program shall not be diminished in order to substitute funds authorized by this part. li FEDERAL

42 USC 2982c.



"SEC. 714. Federal assistance to any program carried out pursuant to this part, including grants used by community development corporations for capital improvements, shall (1) not exceed 90 per centum of the cost of such program including costs of administration unless the Director determines that the assistance in excess of such percentage is required in furtherance of the purposes of this part, and (2) be made available for deposit to the order of the grantee, under conditions which the Director deems appropriate, within thirty days following approval of the grant agreement by the Director and such grantee of the grant agreement. Non-Federal contributions may be in cash or in kind, fairly evaluated, including but not limited to plant, equipment, and services. Capital investments made with funds granted as a result of the Federal share of the costs of programs carried out under this title, and the proceeds from such capital investments, shall not be considered Federal property. Upon investment, title rights vest in the community development corporation. The Federal Government retains the right to direct that on severance of the grant relationship the assets purchased continue to be used for the original purpose for which they were granted. " P A R T B — S P E C I A L RURAL PROGRAMS "STATEMENT OF PURPOSE

42 USC 2983.

"SEC. 721. I t Is the purpose of this part to meet the special economic needs of rural communities or areas with concentrations or substantial numbers of low-income persons by providing support to self-help programs which promote economic development and independence, as a supplement to existing similar programs conducted by other departments and agencies of the Federal Government. Such programs should encourage low-income families to pool their talents and resources so as to create and expand rural economic enterprise. "FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE

42 USC 2983a.

"SEC. 722. (a) The Director is authorized to provide financial assistance, including loans having a maximum maturity of 15 years and in amounts not resulting in an aggregate principal indebtedness of more than $3,500 at any one time, to any low-income rural family where, in the judgment of the Director, such financial assistance has a reasonable possibility of effecting a permanent increase in the income of