Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 2.djvu/1386

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[88 STAT. C54]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. C54]



Housing and Urban Development Act of ^^e^ Page 1970—Continued Horses 1459 Amendments— Continued Methanol 1456 New community program, technical Silk yarns 1549 amendment 725 Synthetic rutile 1422 Research, additional authority 738 Telescope and articles for the CanadaSolar energy', use for heating and coolFrance-Hawaii Telescope Projing homes, demonstration 738 ect 2152 Appropriation for effecting provisions. _ 1097 Upholstery regulators, needles, and "How Our Laws Are Made", printing of pins 2108 additional copies 2422 Foreign repairs and equipment on U.S. Howard University, D.C., appropriation vessels, duty exemption 420 for 204, 1646 Meats, import limitations on certain, Hualapai Indian Tribe, Ariz., lands held in proclamation 2454, 2540 trust for 1820 Petroleum and petroleum products, Hudson River Basin, compact negotiamodification of importation, proctions, elimination of certain reporting lamation 2510 requirements 1969 Puerto Rico, coffee, duty 2071 Human Rights Day and Week—Bill of Sugars, sirups and molasses, tariffs and Rights Day, proclamation 2543 quota on certain, establishment, Humanities, National Endowment for the, proclamation 2537 appropriation for 819 Impoundment Control Act of 1974 332 Hungary, claims against by American naIndependence National Historical Park, tionals, determination 1386 Pa., appropriation ceiling increase; Hunting and Fishing Day, National: boundary change 1445, 1446 Designation 1166 Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, Proclamation 2513 1975 619 Independent Ofl9ces. See also Government Organization and Employees and Idaho: individual titles. Coeur d'Alene, land conveyance by Appropriation Act, 1975 619 Interior Department 1740 Appropriation for 213, Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, lands held in 227, 619, 790, 1099, 1781, 1834, 1840 trust 1383 Independent Safety Board Act of 1974. _. 2166 Public lands, exchange 1821 India, assistance to, limitation 1802 Illinois: Indian Affairs, Bureau of, appropriation Chester Bridge, contract for operation, for 200, 222, 809, 1783 etc., time extension 1659 Indian Business Development Ftogram, Chicago River, channel clearance 15 establishment 82 Salem, statue of William Jennings Indian Claims Commission: Bryan, conveyance to 1186 Appropriation for 228, 819 Immigration and Naturalization Service: Authorization of funds 1499 Appropriation for 223, 1193 Indian Claims Commission Act, AmendBorder facilities, increased funds for 794 ment, land claims, exclusion of food, Immigration inspection, transfer of cerrations, or provisions as payment of. 1499 tain functions to Treasury DepartIndian Education Act, appropriation for ment, nullification 50 effecting provisions 818 Immunization Action Week, 1974, proclaIndian Education Assistance Act 2213 mation 2532 Indian Financing Act of 1974 77 Impeachment Inquiry, hearing and final Appropriation for effecting provisions.. 811 report, printing of additional copies. _ 2407 Indian Health Services, appropriation "Impeachment of Richard M. Nixon, for 201, 818 President of the United States", Indian Loan Guaranty and Insurance printing of additional copies 2431 Fund, establishment 82 Imports: Indian Opportunity, National Council on, Agricultural commodities, tariff schedappropriation for 228 ules, proclamation 2437, Indian Revolving Loan Fund, establish2440, 2457, 2487 ment 78 Ball bearings, modification of trade Indian Self-Determination Act 2206 agreement concessions; adjustment Indian Self-Determination and Education of duty, proclamation 2464 Assistance Act 2203 Brandy, modification of trade agreement Indiana: concessions; adjustment of duty, Hammond, highway railroad grade proclamation 2494 crossings, demonstration project— 1575 Cattle, beef, veal, swine and pork, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, temporary quantitative limitation appropriation ceiling increase. _ — 1445 on importation into the United Lafayette, relocation of raUroad lines, States from Canada, proclamation. 2540 demonstration project 2282 Duty-free entries— Mansfield Lake, name changed to Bicycle parts and accessories, certain _ 1466 Cecil M. Harden Lake 1659 Beneficiary developing countries, eliIndiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Ind., gible articles from 2066 appropriation ceiling increase . _ 1445 Carboxymethyl cellulose salts 1457 Indians: Copper 1 1534 Absentee Shawnee Tribe, Okla., lands held in trust for 1922 Crude feathers and downs 1454 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1362; Part 2 contains pages 1363-2545.