Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 2.djvu/954

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[88 STAT. 2270]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 2270]



Ante, p. 2247.

PUBLIC LAW 93-641-JAN. 4, 1975



"(2) not used as a medical facility, and the Secretary has not determined that there is good cause for termination of such use, the United States shall be entitled to recover from either the transferor- or the transferee in the case of a sale or transfer or from the owner in the case of termination of use an amount bearing the same ratio to the then value (as determined by the agreement of the parties or by action brought in the district court of the United States for the district in which the facility is situated) of so much of such facility as constituted an approved project or projects, as the amount of the Federal participation bore to the cost of the construction, modernization, or conversion of such project or projects. Such right of recovery shall not constitute a lien upon such facility prior to judgment. "(b) The Sccrctary may waive the recovery rights of the United States under subsection (a) with respect to a facility in any State— "(1) if (as determined under regulations prescribed by the Secretary) the amount which could be recovered under subsection (a) with respect to such facility is applied to the development, expansion, or support of another medical facility located in such State which has been approved by the Statewide Health Coordinating Council for such State as consistent with the State health plan established pursuant to section 1524(c); or "(2) if the Secretary determines, in accordance with regulations, that there is good cause for waiving such requirement with respect to such facility. If the amount which the United States is entitled to recover under subsection (a) exceeds 90 per centum of the total cost of the construction or modernization project for a facility, a waiver under this subsection shall only apply with respect to an amount which is not more than 90 per centum of such total cost. The Secretary may not waive a right of recovery which arose one year before the date of the enactment of this title. "STATE CONTROL OF OPERATIONS

42 USC 300S-2.

"SEC. 1632. Except as otherwise specifically provided, nothing in this title shall be construed as conferring on any Federal officer or employee the right to exercise any supervision or control over the administration, personnel, maintenance, or operation of any facility with respect to which any funds have been or may be expended under this title. "DEFINITIONS

42 USC 300S-3.

"SEC. 1633. For the purposes of this title— "(1) The term 'State' includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the Virgin Islands, and the District of Columbia. "(2) The term 'Federal share' means the proportion of the cost of a medical facilities project which the State Agency determines the Federal Government will provide under allotment payments or a loan or loan guarantee under this title, except that— " (A) in the case of a modernization project— " (i) described in section 1604(b)(2)(B), and "(ii) the application for which received a waiver under section 1 6 0 4 (b)(2)(A), the proportion of the cost of such project to be paid by the Federal Government under allotment payments or a loan may not exceed $20,000 and may not exceed 100 per centum of the first $6,000 of the cost of such project and 66% per centum of the next $21,000 of such cost,