Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/289

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THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 118. 1848. 263 For iron and steel for shop, two hundred and twenty dollars. Tg the Smrms and Shawnces.- For permanent annuity, stipulated S°{‘¤°” °“*l in the fourth article of the treaty of seventeenth September, eighteen Sh;};,!,::;;,,,, ,,,, hundred and eighteen, one thousand dollars; nutty. For blacksmith and assistant, during the pleasure of the President, ittaeksmitlsand stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of twentieth July, eighteen ‘”"°°"‘· hundred and thirty-one, eight hundred and forty dollars; For iron and steel for shop, two hundred and twenty dollars. l*¤¤ Md S*°¤l· To the Senecrzs. —— For permanent annuity, stipulated in the fourth Senecas. article of the treaty of twenty-ninth September, eighteen hundred and mE§;"““°“* °“‘ seventeen, five hundred dollars; ` For permanent annuity, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of seventeenth September, eighteen hundred and eighteen, five hundred dollars; · For blacksmith and assistant, during the pleasure of the President, Blacksmithand stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of twenty-eighth February, °$Sim¤*— eighteen hundred and thirty-one, eight hundred and forty dollars; For iron and steel for shop, two hundred and twenty dollars; Ir¤¤ Md Steel For pay of miller, during the pleasure of the President, stipulated rvmim-_ in the fourth article of the treaty of twenty-eighth February, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, six hundred dollars. Ta the lVya2ul0ts. — For permanent annuity, stipulated in the third gVY¤¤d°*¤· article of the treaty of seventeenth March, eighteen hundred and forty- ,,,,,,;fma“°m m` two, seventeen thousand five hundred dollars; For blacksmith and assistant, stipulated in the eighth article of the Blacksmith and treaty of seventeenth March, eighteen hundred and forty-two, seven “”m“°‘ hundred and twenty dollars; For iron and steel for shop, two hundred and twenty dollars; Iron and steel. For education, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of seven- Education. teenth March, eighteen hundred and forty-two, five hundred dollars. . T0 the lVeas. —For permanent annuity, stipulated in the fifth arti- Weascle of the treaty of the second October, eighteen hundred and eighteen, m,$;‘:m°“°°° "‘"' three thousand dollars. To the lldnnebagoes. — For limited annuity for thirty years, stipu- lWrm¤b¤g<>e¤, lated in the second article of the treaty of first August, eighteen hun- uclélmmd °““‘“' dred and twenty-nine, eighteen thousand dollars; For limited annuity for twenty-seven years, stipulated in the third article of the treaty of fifteenth September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, ten thousand dollars ; For the purchase of fifty barrels of salt, for thirty years, stipulated Smin the second article of the treaty of first August, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, two hundred and fifty dollars; For the purchase of three thousand pounds of tobacco, for thirty T<>b¤¢<=°- years, stipulated in the second article of the treaty of first August, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, three hundred and fifty dollars; For the purchase of one thousand five hundred pounds of tobacco, for twenty-seven years, stipulated in the fifth article of the treaty of fifteenth September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, one hundred and seventy-five dollars; For three blacksmiths and assistants, for thirty years, stipulated in and £;’;l;:':_m" the third article of the treaty of first August, eighteen hundred and ' twenty-nine, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; For laborer and oxen, for thirty years, stipulated in the third article m£·:l’°’**’ °“d of the treaty of first August, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, three ` hundred and sixty-five dollars; For education, for twenty-seven years, stipulated in the fourth arti- Ed¤<>¤¢i¤¤- cle of the treaty of fifteenth September, eighteen hundred and thirty- two, three thousand dollars; ,rg,.;c,,i,,,,,,,t,, For six agriculturists, purchase of oxen, ploughs, and other imple- oxen, ploughs. I