Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/328

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302 THIRTIETH CONGRESS. l. Ch. 167. 1848. one third cents, in satisfaction of the claims of thirteen hundred ·= Creek Indian emigrants," friends and followers of General lliclnmsh, who were emigrated to the west in eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, by Col. Crowell, under the conduct and control of Luther Blake, as provided in the ninth article of the treaty of twenty-fourth of January, eighteen hundred and twenti-sax: Jirervidech Thap the perfsons to whom said money shall be paid s a ma e proo , to the satis action of the President of the United States, that they have full power to receive and receipt for the same: And provided, also, That said money shall be paid only on condition that a release be first executed to the United States in full of all claims for principal and interest on account of the emigration of said thirteen hundred Creek Indians. Arwnovmn, August 12, 1848. Aug. 12, 1848, CHAP. CLXV II. —- An Hot for giving Eject to certain Treaty Stipulatimzs between "—‘*""-‘·" this and foreign Gavcmmems, for the dpprchcnsian and delivering up ofccrtain Ofendcrs. In an cases an Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ay" the

2l;;l;£§:“°fn United States of America in Congress assembled, That in all cases in

éyxszbmmenzhc which there now exists, or hereafier may exist, any treaty or conven-

%¤*'§°d Slméand tion for extradition between the government of the United States and

mxé? t,?:`;;]; any foreign government, it shall and may be lawful for. any of the justiigesupnd pcs trees of the Supreme Court or judges of the several District Courts of ‘E ° *3*** he United States-and the 'ud es of the several State courts and sums asnt __ _ JH » cqursiiiid colin? the O0mm1SS10¤CrS ¤u£l1OI’lZ€d S0 to do by any of the courts of lllé {;£’g¤°’;h;“¥};; United States, are hereby severally vested with power, jurisdiction, and wd Stax0s (,0,,,,5, authority, upon complaint made under oath or affirmation, charging may gssuel war- any person found within the limits of any State, district, or territory, Qxfengloa gi-Qlf; with having committed within the jurisdiction of any such foreign govperson charged ernment any of the crimes enumerated or provided for by any such Wllh h°“`l“8 °°*¥" treaty or convention-—to issue his warrant for the apprehension of the I . 2d;;;, person so charged, that he may be brought bcforepsuclh judge or com-

_h¤l¤¤u¤= <>i Such mxssioner, to the end that the evidence of criminality may be heard
 gw""` and considered; and if, on such hearing, the evidence be deemed

hl; on hearing, sufficient by him to sustain_the charge under the provisions of the l ° °"'d°“9". be proper treaty or convention, it shall be his duty to certify the same, deemed sulhcxent . . , to sustain the together with a copy of all the testimony taken before hun Ito the €;¤¤r§€,ih¢t$g¤h¤ Secretary of State, that a warrant may issue upon the requisition of with 20:;;} sh; the proper authorities of such foreign government, for the surrender gestiuruny, to thfe of such person, according to the stipulations of said treaty F)l‘·COfl\'€D· gfifg {*;;taw;’r_ hon; and it shall be the duty of the said judge or commissioner to mi imny iasrw, issue his warrant for the commitment of the person so charged to the lss:: §é1¤¤j§*°¥; proper gaol, there to remain until such surrender shall be made. ,uth(,my’ {Er me Sec. 2. And be iifurther enacted, That in every case of complaint surrender arsuch as aforesaid, and of a hearing upon the return of the warrant of arrest, °“;‘;d?"¤ &°· f copies of the depositions upon which an original warrant in any such depngajns upgn fpreign country may havelbeen ipanted, certiflied undeir the hind rg which original e person or persons issuing suc warrant an atteste upont e oa Kfxuggcn grglsg of the party producing rhemito be true copies of the original dep0S1· gd in Such;-craig,, nous, may be received in evidence of the criminality of the person S0 ¢<>¤¤¤i¤¤, &<=-, apprehended. {TZ,mm:’;°"°d SHG. 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Secmmy Dy Secretary of State, under his hand and seal of office, to order the p€1'· gtag, utpderlhp son soicomrnitted to be delivered to such person or persons as shall be °¥‘cc?'l;.a;°:rd‘;r authornzed, in the name and on behalf of such foreign government, is such otfenders no be tried for the crime of which such person shall be so accused, an b° ‘l°l‘"'°d °° such person shall be delivered up accordingly; and it shall be lawful