Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/465

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THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 22, 23. 1850. 439 hereafter serve, at the several military posts on the western frontier, and at remote and distant stations, to any number not exceeding seventy-four, and to cause such portions of the army as may, by law, be serving on foot, to be properly equipped and mounted whenever, in his opinion, the exigency of the public service may require the same: provided, that thehsaid gnlistments shall be for the term of five years, Prcviscunless sooner disc ar e . Sy;. 3. And be itéfurther enacted, That whenever enlistments are _B<>u¤ty to be made at, or in the vicinity ot] the said military posts, and remote and §Q':“ c2:,;;;: distant stations, a bounty equal in amount to the cost of transporting oy. and subsisting a soldier from the principal recruiting depot in the harbor of New York, to the place of such enlistment, be, and the same is hereby, allowed to each recruit so enlisted, to be paid in unequal instalments at the end of each year’s service, so that the several amounts shall annually increase, and the largest be paid at the expiration of each enlistment. Armtovnn, June 17, 1850. Can. XXII.—An Act to supply a Deficiency in the Appropriation for the Ser· June 21, 1850. viee of tlsejiseal Year ending the thirtietla of June, eighteen hundred and fifty. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqzresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of fifty thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated by law, to sup- _ _ ply a deficiency in the appropriation for denaying the expenses of the ,,,?€°§;,‘i,'§f,f',,,§,'f Supreme, Circuit, and District Courts of the United States, including tion for expenses the District of Columbia; also for jurors and witnesses in aid of the °f Ugwd $*%*3 funds arising from lines, penalties, and forfeitures incurred in the fiscal Pmu ° year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty, and previous years, and likewise for defraying the expenses of suits in which the United States are concerned, and of prosecutions for odences committed against the United States, and for the safe keeping of prisoners. Approved, June 21, 1850. Can. XXIII. -An Aorfor ria Construction of certain Roads in the Territory Jury rg, 1350, qf Minnesota, and for other Purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following Appropriations sums of money be, and they are hereby, appropriated for the construe- ma j $1* tht; tion of roads in the Territory of Minnesota, to wit: For the construe- ggtiiguiggg, fn tion of a road from Point Douglass, on the Mississippi River, via Cot- the Territory or tags Grove, Stillwater, Marine Mills, and Falls of St. Croix, to the M“”‘°s°‘“· falls or rapids of the St. Louis River of Lake Superior, Eileen thousand dollars; for the construction of a road nom Point Douglass, via Cottage Grove, Red Rock, St. Paul, and Falls of St. Anthony, to Fort Gaines, ten thousand dollars; for the construction of a road from the mouth of Swan River, or the most available point between it and the Sauk Rapids, to the Winnebago agency at Long Prairie, five thousand dollars; for the construction of a road from Wabashaw to Mendota, five thousand dollars; and for the survey and layin out of a military road from Mendota to the mouth of the Big Siouxitiver, on the Missouri, five thousand dollars. The said roads to be constructed under W6 direction of the Secretary of War, pursuant to contracts to 138 wfswzmvmlfg made by him. oonnaots. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the governors of Oregon Tho governors